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rubber binders on Goode


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  • Baller

Just mounted some wileys on a goode 9900. I mounted the binders to the plate and then did the velcro dual lock thing to attach the plate to the ski

 With the G-10 plate plus the binders the ski seems heavy.

 I could mount the wileys directly to the G-10 plate and eliminate the aluminum binder plate, but that is a big project to take the binders apart drill all the holes in the plate and  mount directly to the G-10 plate.

 Has anyone tested in both configurations?

 Did it make a difference?

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  • Baller

Chef, Good question. 2 answers.

1. Mounted up the Goode for a test drive. Not sure its a keeper yet. Test drive tomorrow.

2. To put the dual lock on the wiley I would have to strip off the nice rubber backing on the plate and once I put the dual lock on I am stuck with it.

 Has anyone tried the configuration proposed by Chef?

 Joe I will call Mike and see what he can turn around for me on short notice.

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  • Gold Member

My experience has been that weight directly under your feet doesn't make the ski feel any heavier in the course.

I theorize that weight itself doesn't really mean much -- the water is fully supporting that.  What matters is angular moment (what a lot of folks like to call "swing weight") because that effects how much energy is require to turn the ski.  Weight under your feet causes negligible change in angular moment.

I have no proof of this theory, of course -- but it sounds sensible and seems to match my experience.

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