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Fun at SkiWest this weekend


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Horton on Connelly V  - 6 ball - 38 off INT Wide Ride Rules / Photo by Gallagherhttp://lh3.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/TF9TAk9d-rI/AAAAAAAADTU/Pf-RJqSG2Jo/s400/DSC_4989a.jpg








I ski a lot with these two guys. Charlie and Brad. Brad is super completive and insanely fit. Charlie is a goofy cajun, makes a killer crawfish boil and is the owner of the greatest boat ever. Both guys are improving at a pretty fast pace. Brad is about 4 balls ahead of Charlie. This weekend we added a section to Charlie’s rope to mess with Brad. Charlie and I did not tell Brad. Until he reads this Brad does not know why Charlie was skiing so good.

In this video Charlie is skiing and Brad is driving. Charlie and I are trying to not laugh. Video is worth a watch as Charlie places his face in the wake out of 5 ball


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