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68" Strada Settings

Jim Neely

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My current settings 65 degree water -

D - 2.512
L - 6.860 tips
DFT - 0.765, 0.760 in warmer water
Front boot - 30 1/4" (D3 Leverage bindings)
Wing 9 USD (stock)

Works for me, I'm 28 - 35 off level.  The only thing I ever change from this is DFT depending on water temps.  More DFT in cooler water, less in warmer water (works for me but YMMV).  These are real close to suggested settings Matt Rini gave me when I got the ski at the beginning of the season and are what I was running when I skied at his place mid-August.  He didn't change any of them.


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Very similar setup, still working on it but so far I have the following (I think, this is all from memory, I'll verify this today):

D - 2.495

L- 6.865

DFT 0.765

Wing 9'

36 mph


I couldn't get the ski to turn on my off side when the depth was greater than 2.5 so I had to set the fin a little shollower and it seems much better now.

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My settings are very similar to Sully's, going from memory.

Had the exact same problem couldn't get it to turn on off side until I arrived somewhere around these settings. 68" 2011 Strada.

We ski 52° to 56° water all summer.

(just read the degree thread)

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