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DVD/online judge certification


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The below from the head of competition at USA waterski in response to query re: DVD/online certification for judges.  Sounds like expense is the main issue.  Given we have developed into a very high dollar sport, my guess is many of us do reasonably well.  Did ask if there is such an entity w/in USA waterski whereby tax deductible donations could be made to contribute to such an initiative.  Will let the ballers know what I hear.

 Hi Dave, I appreciate your suggestions, and couldn’t agree with you more.  Having a DVD or online certification process for the classroom portion for all of the officials ratings that we offer would certainly make it easier for people to get certified.  We are slowly making progress on this front.  Through our partnership with iDrive Boats we’ve moved the classroom portion of the Trained Driver course online, and we’re currently in the process of building an online training program for Level 1 Instructors which will replace the existing written exam.  The problem is that creating these electronic certification processes requires significant financial resources, and USA-WS and AWSA don’t have the necessary resources to create online courses for all of our officials programs right now.   With the limited resources we have available to us we have to prioritize where they’re needed the most.  Right now the highest priority is membership development at the grassroots level.  As you’re probably aware, participation in this sport has shown a downward trend for a number of years.  We have to reverse this downward trend first, and as more resources become available we can begin to allocate them toward initiatives such as online officials courses. Best Regards,   
From: Dave & Anne Ross [mailto:skiross@hutchtel.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:00 AM
To: bwolf@usawaterski.org
Subject: judge ratings
Hello Brandon,
A theme heard from many skiers at tournaments is the shortage of judges in some areas.  One skier said they frequently lack a safety official, and as a ER physician I asked what would need to be done.  Given my background, I thought it there was a DVD I could watch and take a test...should be good to go.  This is not available.
I also watched a re-cert driver's clinic while at tourney in FL take up most of a day.  Would make sense that there be a DVD or computer module for the recert to take up all of the didactic and written exam portions...then the driver's would only need to do the driving portion on site.  Another computer module could be more extensive for new driver applicants. 
I can easily imagine assistant judges and scorers learning the role online or by DVD.  I could quite simply teach even a non slalom skier how to tower judge in very short order...it's not that complex.
I believe that if we remove barriers to becoming rated judges, we would have more involvement.  Having DVD's or computer modules for this purpose would make obtaining the education far more convenient.  If I can get my MBA online (currently doing so), this should be no problem.  I have brought this idea up to some skiers on a web forum, and they were enthused and thought it should come to USA waterski.
Thanks much,
Dave Ross  
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