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HO Exo Pro Bindings


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I have read most of the reviews and failure posts about the Exo system. Is there actually anyone on the pro circuit running this system on their ho ski? and if not does that mean there is an issue with them or they are actually not all that great?
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  • Baller
Will Asher and April Coble are the two HO Pro's and both use a rear kicker. The system only come in Double boots. This does not mean they are not good, nor does it mean they don't work as advertized. No system is for everyone and no system is fool proof. I have used them with our instance and at my level I crash a lot. Several OTF's and they released perfectly.
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  • Baller
I don't know about Will but April is on a Reflex with a rear boot.  I think it is a D3.  She is not on the Exo.  At least she was on the Reflex in August when she won the Malibu Open.  I was at her camp the week after the event and she was still on the Reflex front then.  I believe that Will is on a Reflex also but I don't have personal knowledge of it.
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