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How do I prepare for a winter Ski Week


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  • Baller

Hello oh great minds of slalom...

In March, the wife and I are going to Water Ski Costa Rica. I'm a little concerned about having useless arms after the first day of skiing.

I skied two sets at McGinnis and then was away for a week, returning to ski 4 more days. After the first day, I had trouble moving my arms for three days. But when I returned a week later my arms (and the rest of me) was fine. It seems that after recovering from the first day of skiing, I'm pretty much good to go.

However, I will not have skied for 2 1/2 months prior to the first of 6 consecutive days in Costa Rica. Any suggestions to avoid three days of muscle shock? I tried pulling on a rope tied to a tree before the start of last season, but that didn't help. What about a rowing machine?


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  • Baller
If you don't have time to hit the gym hard for a month or so before go; buy two kettle bells of different sizes, go to youtube and watch a cope hard core training videos.  You can go to town at home as hard as you want.  Unfortunately that won't do the complete trick; but, it will get you a lot closer.  You still have to ski to get into complete ski shape.
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  • Baller_
Make sure to tape your hands BEFORE you need to tape your hands. As for conditioning, if you can, get in the gym and work your arms, core, back and legs. Also work on cardio. If you can not get to a gym, Gordon Rathburn has a technique he recommends. Attach your handle to a post and lean into it like you are skiing. Using your arms and keeping your core tight, pull yourself in the direction of an upright position. Relax, aburptly dropping your body and catching yourself with your arms, again keeping your core tight. Repeat, ideally three sets of twenty, "skiing" in both directions. As opposed to real skiing, it is okay to let your elbows get away from your "vest" in this exercise. Make sure to get plenty of rest, drink a lot of water and wear sunscreen, especially on the tops of your feet. And pace yourself. Good luck and have fun!


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As a fellow Canadian, I can tell you that by doing no significant exercise after a couple months off, you will get one good day in and you will then be sore for 2 or more. I think ski paradise is worthy of the kind of work out that LP Skier recommends and maybe more. Do everything you can now to cause the ski muscles to hurt now and less later. I'm in my second week of skiing in Florida and I'm only now over week one soreness.





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  • Baller_

Laz. If you need to get in shape in a hurry, I suggest you call Brian at Sky Fitness. I am in my fourth year of his program and love it. Custom designed to your situation. You don't have time to get into great shape, but you can get toned enough to enjoy your vacation and probably get a much stronger start to your season. No program works, though, without your commitment to it.




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