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Hey guys, looking into getting started up with Camaro and wanted to see if there is some interest out there.

Let me know if you guys would be interested in any of the camaro products.

You can check out there website here:  http://www.camaro.at/en/wasserski/wetsuits/index.php

 If you are interested, email me at sales@h2oproshop.com.

Similar to what we did when we started with Intution, we will do with Camaro with all the Ballers.

We are mainly looking to do the full suits, etc.  But if there is another item you want, I will check with the distributor and see if it is possible.




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  • Baller
I would love to get one of those Modetec .5mm full suits but there doesnt seem to be a US distributor and the prices in Euros are nuts. Oh and the size chart is messed up. Unless everyone in Europe is 6'1" and weights 135 lbs
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Errr Dave,

I think Tadd is trying to tell you that he is thinking about being a dealer. There is a distributor in the US but focused on other sports.

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Yes, I am going to start a dealership for the suits.

Just checking with the loyal Ballers, to see if there is any interest and offer a BOS deal to anyone who wants in on the first order.

Retail on the suits is $349, I believe, which is pricey, but from what I know on the suits, well worth it.  As well, again, on this first order, I am opening it up to Ballers for a decent size discount, which, if you are interested, just email me and I will let you know.


And Joe, I did check out Sierra Trading post and while they do have some Camaro on their site, they do not have the suits that water skiers tend to use most, the modetec and the Open Cell Overall.  The suits they have are either thick diving suits, or thin suits that do not compare with the Modetec, etc.  But yes, I checked them out prior to looking into this.

 Let me know if there is any interest out there.



sales at h2oproshop dot com



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  • Baller

I think they only make these things to fit chicks and Christian Bale when he starred in The Machinist. I need to get down to 171 lbs. to get to the largest size they offer on their size chart for 5'10". The last time I hit 190 lbs. I was sitting right around 10% bodyfat. I haven't been under 171 lbs. since 9th grade.


I guess I need to keep shopping for wetsuits at Thornton Mellon's Big and Fat shop. :)

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I am interested in their Dry Suit that was featured in the most recent WATERSKI Mag. I would like to know how the suit compares to the O'Neil Assault Hybrid Dry Suit. Will the XL fit 6'3" 205 lbs? How much does it weight? Is is constrictive compared to the O'Neil? What type of seals are used? How do they hold up. What brand of zipper is used? How is their warranty service? Has any one tried one who could share some information?


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