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Goode Water Skis NANO "Twist"


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http://www.ballofspray.com/images/stories/Dave%20miller%20Goode%20Twist.jpgDuring the last six or eight weeks, I have heard a rash of hushed rumors about the next generation of skis from Goode. Some of the rumors sound quite plausible while others suggest Dave is going to build skis from Unobtainium.

Last week I called Dave, and said, "As a website owner I love to break news. Some of what I've heard sounds exciting and some of it sounds downright ridiculous. When you're ready you tell the world what you're doing, will you let BallOfSpray break the story?" Dave replied that he and Dave Miller were heading to Imperial Lakes in Southern California to do research and development. As soon as they were ready to let the cat out of bag, he would let me know. Below is Dave's email to me:

As promised, here is a first look at the New Goode NANO "Twist". It is built with Nano Carbon Fiber/Resin and in addition to Goode's proprietary asymmetric construction the NANO "Twist" features different rockers on each side of the ski.

"The ski is just awesome!” said 55k World Record Holder and 2010 Big Dawg Champion Dave Miller. “The new carbon material really accelerates faster and the innovative Bi-Rocker Twist Technology allows the ski to turn better on both sides,” Miller continues. “The ski comes under me after each turn better than any ski I have ever been on before. It is as easy to ski at 39-1/2’ as it is at 32’. I even had a look at 4 ball at 41’ off and for this early in the season, that was just amazing,” Miller concludes.

More information later……..

Dave Goode



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Carbon Nano tubes. 

I watched a couple of interesting shows on Nova recently. One show was Making Stuff Stronger, where they showed growing carbon nano tubes. The other was Making Stuff Smaller, where they showed growing silicone nano tubes for more memory on micro chips. Here are the links to both. They are good shows.





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Not to be a negative Nancy but...

 I work with a lot of people who specialize in different aspects of nanotechnology. Nano seems to be the latest buzzword of choice.  If you put a 'nano' somewhere in the title of your proposal someone, and probably lots of someones, will at least listen.  Nanotubes, nanowires, nanomachines, etc.,...a lot of marketing.  

I am no composites expert but I have no idea what 'Nano carbon fiber/resin' is. My gut tells me it is the same old carbon fiber/resin as before. 

The assymetric rockers sound like an interesting idea, and I do like the look of that ski.

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It’s been a while since I watched the program about carbon nano tubes, but it seems like the great thing about it was its size to strength ratio, (like spider silk). So, applications like bullet proof clothing make for good applications, but it seemed like the price to produce was very high. Maybe the “Twist†is that they only changed the ski a nano amount. But with the winning record Goode has, why change more. I also like the graphics shown in the picture.

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The merits of the new technology are TBD - the proof is in the skiing and until the rest of us can try it, it's just fun to speculate.  It won't affect my scores this season.  :) 

 In the meantime, great exclusive Horton!  You are "winning." 


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To be fair, nobody's mad at Apple for calling the small iPod a Nano. I have no idea exactly what Dave means by nano. If the naming convention is all marketing fluff or not - the rumor mill tells me that Goode has been doing some materials research. Nano tubes or not innovation is fantastic for sport.


Update: When I posted above, I had no idea that Nano Tubes were out of the lab and in the real world. From what I have read since it is the next wave.

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I'm curious about this new ski as well. 

So, I guess there will be R, L, and Neutral?  Slim or no chance on inserts? It seems to me that adding re-enforcement in the ski + inserts would weight less than the required velcros and plate to mount most bindings.

 You can drill and mount snow ski bindings on his snow skis.

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Well here is a bit of additional news from Goode Skis.. For all of you asking for inserts from Goode he will be offering inserts in two of the new ski models. There is a new ski coming out that will be called the 9960 (it is equivalent to the 9900 with new graphics)  this ski will have new graphics and will be offered with inserts or the ability to screw into the ski. There is also a new price point ski, called the "FIRE", this ski is not an assymetrical ski and will be offered at around $1000.00. Dave is doing away with the 2 week demo program and offering a 30 day money back guarantee. In addition, and as a result of customer feedback, Goode Skis will have a lifetime warranty on the ski. So let the discussion begin!!!
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When will the 9960 be available for purchase?

Question for Goode experts. What is the difference between the 9900, 9800, and the Makai? I am interested specifically in the Makai but not if the only differences are only cosmetic. Do the newer Goodes turn better than the 9500?


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Inserts AND a lifetime warranty???  I'm asleep...  aren't I? That's whats going on here isn't it?  Its Monday morning I'm still asleep, dreaming about skiing apparently.  How late am I for work?  I've got a 10am meeting so I hope I wake up soon!  http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif
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Now that they are offering inserts, my guess is that he will have a tough time Keeping up with the orders. I have wanted to try one of the new skis but always shyed away because of the dual lock. I'm glad that Goode is finally offering this option! Lifetime warranty? That's awesome!
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The Goode 9800 might have been the second "game changer" ski he has ever produced; next to the 9100. The front end of it was more of a parabola shape vs the traditional straight line skis.

It was the first ski I could actually turn, move across the buoy and felt like my skiing came alive on.Changed my skiing for the better forever.

Love my 9900 at 36mph and probably will ride a mid-ride once I go 34mph. 9900 is one notch up on the torsional flex which makes it even better than the 9800. Night and day improvement over a 9300/9500/9600 and 9700.

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I tried a 9800 for a few rides and actually thought I could get used to it but the ski I tried had so many holes in it that I feared for my life every time I rode it! I tried the dual lock Power Shell system a number of years back but kept breaking shells. Im sure that the shells are stronger now though! I've been interested in trying a 9900 or 9900 mid. I guess I have no excuse now! Other than I have a new Strada sitting in the boat.
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I recall quite a bit of chat on this board from folks who had purchased the extra warranty on previous G skis who got totally hosed despite having spent the extra bucks for the "lifetime" warranty.  Everyone forgotten that?   If these claims hold true and they actually do stand behind their stuff like the other manufacturers they'll sell a bunch, assuming the price isn't totally insane.  Time will tell.  I'm not being negative; just trying to refresh the collective memory.  Someone has to play devil's advocate...


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I think the double rocker idea makes a lot of sense, we all for sure (and especially me...) have a different 1-3-5 than 2-4-6. As usual, there are plenty of good ideas but not that many good implementations of these. Execution is key, as state several authors.

On inserts and warranty, I guess that is better late than never, as they say. I think that the combination of a good product and a company that listens to the market is the best one.

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kstateskier, HILARIOUS!!!! http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif

I do love my 9900 with dual lock! one year, no problems. Also, bottom line is I get more balls on this ski.....

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I sat in on a conf call last night. Here are the rough details.

All 3 shapes as we know now them.


“Fire” version less than $1k – inserts, maybe a little heavier – theoretically a downgrade but not really. Construction more like HO-D3-Radar-Connelly. I think this ski could be a deal changer.


9960 Mostly same as 9900 but add inserts same $ as current ski


Nano no inserts – new materials and asymmetrical rocker $500 more than 9900


All skis come with 5 yr warrantee (wording and details pending)


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I spoke with a technician at Goode today. The explanation they gave me for no inserts in the Nano is it has a different core than the 9960 and Fire which is not as waterproof. I forgot to ask if water could potentially reach the core through the fin slot though. Goode quoted me a price of $1940 for the Nano "Twist" Mid. That must not include shipping.
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I will try a Nano as soon as they ship it with inserts.


Now, wait a minute. I have a question for Scot Chipman (just because he is better connected with the factory). If the only change between the 9900 and the 9960 is better resin (besides the graphics) and no changes in the core, what is the reason of the huge warning about putting screws/inserts in the 9900?

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