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Ski Shape

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  • Baller

There is no reason. I actually do not like skis that taper in front. I've tried skis which taper out, in and have no taper. I prefer no taper. It leaves lots of area out front so you can really jump on the front at the ball. Taper out was not smooth enough for me. Taper in (conventional) turns easily and is easier to get on the front but I would sink the whole tip in a panic turn - every turn for my style.

Modern skis seem to be incremental evolution of a couple successful ancient designs. While they work quite well, many features (like tip design) can vary from the norm and work quite well.

I skied in a windstorm yesterday. My wide front really got blown around. Maybe there are other reasons for a narrow tip. Or maybe I shouldn't ski when it's that windy. I did ski better than my buddy...


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