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A2 Review


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  • Baller

Hey Chuck Dickey

When I brought my A2 a well respected coach/ski tester set the ski up and his numbers were

A2 66.5"

Bindings 291/4"






He actually started to get me skiing quite well on it or tho when I got home it was not going so well and other people started to say the ski did not look right, so I went back to stock and changed things around from there. I think ( I WAS WRONG ! ) to listen, I am going back to his numbers and going to make myself ski on those numbers, it was so good when you got it right, the ski tho was not so forgiving, and I have to ski on it a different way ie; ski to the bouy line and just stand on it, handle control is important, you have to feed your arm out, if you just go full reach with a bang, it will come round so fast, you will fall out of the back of the ski.

Basically if you have watched Drew Ross Video when he goes into the explanation of the boat being towed from the front, the boat will follow the boat that is towing it, if the line was to be attached to the ski pole the front of the boat would be free to swing in what ever direction it was biased towards, the only problem is that the boat being towed by the ski pole is not as stable as the one being toewd by the front.

If you watch the 41' off video of Karina Nowlan you will see her ski waving around a bit as she comes across course, you really do have to get stacked to stop it, it would be interesting to know if Horton experienced this.

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  • Baller

The A2 is the best ski I have ever ridden. It gets incredible angle, turns both sides evenly and is very forgiving. I think it skis best when you ride it aggressively.

I won't name the skier but his several year old Goode finally broke down. He had tried something like 6 new skis and had decided to buy a Mid. I told him to try Horton's A2, which was one size too big for him. He liked it so much, he bought one in the correct size.

Krlee is going to try Horton's A2 later this week and I bet he likes it. I think it is a little sensitive to set-up but Greg Badal's numbers are great.



29 3/8 -29 1/2

.78 flat (hold ski vertically resting on tip and press caliper flat on tail with thumb)

6.836 tips


wing 7* upside down


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  • Baller
I was talking with an HO Pro yesterday and asked April about her A-2 fin settings and she told me the ones on the HO site are actually still the A-1 numbers and not the A-2's. She said she and Will Asher are using 6.860 to 6.870 length, 2.492 to 2.503 depth and 0.77 DTF, 8 degree wing. I split the difference on the numbers and skied the best all year on them first set.
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  • Baller

on a 67.5" (180) wing@8, FB 29 7/16"

Tried 6.845/.78/2.505 first (edge change too slow).

Then 6.835/.79/2.5 decent.

Then 6.860/.77/2.495 (out of the box #'s from Wiley's) better.

Now 6.864/.77/2.494 quite good for now.


Might try no wing next. If too much speed is bled into offside, despite wide/early, tend to get deep and stall. Going wider (14/13m) both sides really quite good.


Behind the boat edge on this ski is very, very good.

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Right I don't get this ski. I haven't been on the water for 2 weeks and the last time I was all over the place. Today I went out and just said to myself relax and think of nothing but getting stacked. I nailed 28 off for the 1st time like it was the easiest thing in the world and then ran it again even easier. It makes no sense! I would say by just thinking about getting well stacked, I was really fast and wide and the the turns just swept through super smooth. I even felt wide at 32 off but kept getting too much slack and not making it to the 2 ball
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Sounds like you are a little off the reservation.


I would get back to stock settings. Stock fin, Fin/ Bindings settings. Ski on it for a few sets. Then start over tweaking. One thing at a time.

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  • Baller

Krlee rode Horton's A2 today. He liked it. I bet he will buy one.

Bruce, I think the wing is a personal preference. The vice w mini ventral and no wing felt good. It did not change as the line got shorter.

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  • Baller

The A2 was great. It was even on both sides and great through the wakes. My gates felt a little different, but that was mostly just me getting used to the ski.


I still want to try the S2, but right now the A2 is my choice for a new ski.


Thanks Dirt for letting me come over and try it (Horton you will be glad to know he treated that ski with great care). Mateo Vargas, I need to get the Strada back to you.


Can't wait for Horton to bring all his demo skis up so we can test them in Nor Cal. It was great that you invited him Dirt, so we could all play. :)

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  • Baller



Hopefully you can hook up with Dirt. I don't even want to go ski on my Z7 tonight. :) Maybe Dirt wouldn't notice if I traded him?


I liked the A2 better than the A1 I demo'd last year. But that could have been set up, I just skied it stock. This one has all the Horton and Badal special settings.



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  • Baller
Skimech, if that was for Badal's numbers, they are ski resting on tip, held vertically, pressing the the caliper flat against the ski with your thumb. Not needle. Silver fin but it is a proto-type thinner one.
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  • Baller

Help Please ! ok got the sweetest onside turn stand and wait and round she comes with that little bit of extra at the end of the turn, not so good on the offside comes round, but I just don,t feel that little extra at the end of the turn, something doesn,t feel quite right. should I increase the length of the fin or shorten it ? other ideas ? I do not want to do anything that is going change the onside dramatically.

Regards Stevie Boy

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  • Baller_
Just me babbling here but often times I will set a ski up to function well on my off-side and not worrie so much about what it may do to my on-side (unless drastic) Typically within a few passes the on-side will sort itself out because that side is naturally easier. Not to mention with a better off-side means earlier to on-side so things will have to change there anyway. Hard to change one side and expect it not to affect the other.
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  • Baller

I was on 6.845/2.505/.780 bindings @ 291/4 initially in the states but when I got back to the UK it wasn,t working for me so I am using the same numbers as a ski buddy who runs 38 off into 39 off 6.839/2.505/.780 bindings@29 1/2 the ski is more pridictable and stable, before the ski was waving around a bit.

Regards Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

May be just my skiing style but I tried all the settings posted on this thread and had mixed results. I set everything back to stock and skied my best set this year. 67.5" 6.845/2.505/.780 bindings @ 30", 8 degree wing. Did the same thing to my daughters 64.5" and she set a new PB picking up 4 more buoys.


Also need to correct a previous post I made. I mis-quote April Coble's comments to me about fin settings. I misunderstood what she was telling me about her settings and the setting HO's website. I apologize to both for my misquote.

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  • Baller
Hey Chuck I concur, the stock settings arepretty good, 66.5 bindings 29 1/2 now running 6.840/2.505/.780 my previous measurements were a bit iffy, I know people will mock, but I took 2 thou out of the length, and imeadiately the ski was feeling realy sweeton the offside and pretty good onside, it solved the issues I was having. Best I have skied on the A2.
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