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Positive side of MC & AWSA


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Wow did I get a lot of positive feed back from both parties. I was assured my concerns would be checked into for nationals. Sorry for being a little over the top and sounding like a complainer, safety is always my primary concern.....especially when kids are involved.
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A club skier as my self had a concern and contacted Master Craft & the Awsa. They responded to me promptly and assured me what I saw would be looked into and consider changes in the future. Both parties said "I was not the only one noticing problems". They were very open minded to my concerns and willing to consider changes. I wanted to rectify any over the top statements I made that could hurt either party or any promo boat owner trying to sell there boat. That is all, the power of the internet really gives the little guy a voice. I wanted to make sure I did not speak to loud and offend anyone. I achieved my goal, it is being looked into.

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  • Baller
When my girls were in G1/G2, they would have loved to have the wake of a modern day MC. I drove the MC a good bit at our Regionals. G2 skied well. In fact, most PB'd and the regional record was tied (1@38off). My neighbor (W4) starts at 28mph and skied within 1 buoy of her PB. My daughter starts at 22-off and skied 1.5 @ 35off. We all ski behind a SN200 as our club boat. As a driver, I never heard any complaints other than there was more of a bump than a Nautique. Otherwise, they just skied and skied well.
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  • Baller_
!965 RickShaw . Our first boat. Big Block Chevy and all learned how to ski behind this very boat in 66 and still own it today. Stephen our son used to train behind a 82 Americain skier during his boy's 1 years./vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/15/995.jpg
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  • Baller

Not sure what to say without coming off sounding like a total jerk, but the wakes are not a problem. The wakes are far better then anything we had in the 70's and 80's and there were not a larger percentage of kids getting hurt.


If you want to complain about MC sending their '11 boats out without the right program, and then not informing everyone they needed to reflash thier program to make it right I can get behind that. Most people don't know there is a new flash for the MC's that gives a stronger pull for jumping and a softer pull for slalom. That is why some MC feel better then others this year. A lot of people are unaware the power setting for jump on the '11 MC should be 7/5 and are still running it at 4/0 like last year, and everyone is complaining about a soft pull for jump. They are just not getting the information out. Even some senior drivers don't know. Sorry rant off, I'm going on a self imposed ban now.

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Hey man as long as you post what you think are the facts, as above, that is good stuff. You can see that the guys thought you were talking about wakes. Since you are complaining about ZO you have my attention.

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  • Baller_

Mine too, because powerfactor of 5 or 7 on the boat I had at regionals would have never worked! we ran PF-1 and return RTB just to get the times in on the back side. The whole program was wacked from start.

I even had Chris Eller tell me they coud not find a solution with their ZO programs in The MC's.


Sully Whats wrong with my old boat? You seem kind harsh about it!

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The big problem with the '11 MC WTT boats with the new ZO update is with jump. When the boat hits the second segment, it puts it to the wood. This is fine for people that are jumping with a normal setup over 120 ft. Where you get the big problem is someone that is doing some baby 3/4's with a fast second jumping 80-90 feet and not really pulling very hard. I know the arguement is they shouldn't be on fast second, but if that is what they ask for, that is what they get. With the old version of ZO, you still got good times, and the boat didn't do anything crazy. This issue must be addressed before Nationals. WHERE ARE YOU MASTERCRAFT AND ZO???? FIX THIS!!!!!
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  • Baller_
@jody seal. Love the photo of the boat. That's a beast (said in the most positive way) @sully, I was commenting on Jodys boat photo and the tow bar that seams to be bolted to the engine block. Not seen that before (if that's the way it is set up).
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I am commenting on the original post. I'm getting tired of hearing people bashing the current boats, specifically the MC. I wish I could have grown up skiing behind the 197, LXi or 196 or 200!


Wish, it dawned on me what you were talking about as I was driving down the road this morning after I posted my question. Thats pretty trick!

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  • Baller

@jody Seal the 7 5 power factor is with the upgraded software. With the original software from the factory, it doesn't sound like anything will work. For the long jumpers it doesn't give enough gas, and for the shorter jumpers it hammers them. I have no complaints about the slalom pull it felt normal. Going to get a chance to jump and slalom behind an '11 with updated software this weekend. Will be interesting to see if it is noticeably different in jump and slalom.


@Horton I wasn't the original poster, and I'm not sure if he was talking about the wakes or the program. I might be wrong about the wakes, but I have skied behind four differnt '11 MC and all felt the same, and never noticed the wakes at all, but when I was in jr. boys I used to practice behind a 24' Sea Ray cuddy cabin. First ski boat was a 75 Ski Nautique, and the wakes on that might have been bigger then the Sea Ray. Again, not to sound like a jerk, but if people are getting hurt behind today's boats they need to put on a helmet, get out of the course, and learn proper technique before they start chasing bouys. The jumping software on the other hand could get someone hurt. Not near as many jumpers out there these days, and even fewer real jump drivers. They don't know it's a problem.

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@jwr As I said in the other thread.


What is written here will be seen by the industry. Until users are posting slander against a factory I am open to free speech.


I tend to think that MC makes a first rate product. I am un-aware of the wakes issue but if there is an issue it should be aired.

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