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injuries suck...


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Now that i've actually read all of this.


Hammerski - my fracture was in powershells. The velcro was partially separated, but since i don't tighten the rear boot nearly as much as the front my rear foot pulled most of the way out of the boot and the front was fully in. I don't believe the powershells will release nearly as easy in the situation. I have had the plate come entirely off before but this was more of a tip hits the water and compresses the front ankle, then twisting over the ski with some pull on the front heel only. The front heel came partially up as well and was wedged in the binding.


A few years back a broke the tip of the tibia off as well, but i never got xrays and left the fragment in the ankle joint for a 3 years - no idea what other damage was done. When the fragment was finally removed the recovery time was very short and felt way better.

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  • Baller

How goes it, Richard? I'm 3 weeks post injury tomorrow. Today ran opening 28 and a pile of 32 off passes. My wise ski partner/driver would not shorten to 35 at my request today. My limp is a bit better today so I tried to walk more normally...it helps to have a heel lift in my shoe. I pushed it a bit walking today so how it feels tomorrow will tell me a lot.

Leave for ski watch tourney Thurs having not skied a 35 or 38 for over 3 weeks. Will see what happens down there...keeping my rented crutches for now just in case I come back to MN a wreck!

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  • Baller_
I went to the lake Saturday pm, brought the Strada and my EleeTrick ski, I'd been walking and working all the previous week, so I figured skiing would be no problem. The trick ride went ok, could do my standard trick run, and I actually ran a full pass through the course at 18.5 mph, but without the forward flex of the front (sprained/right) ankle, my offside slalom turn was pretty useless, ended up skiing down the lake and back to the dock. Going to work on getting more flexibility back this week, and will try it again next weekend. Last tourney of the season for me is Oct. 8/9 at Imperial, so I'm hoping to be back up to speed by then.
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  • Baller
Friday I got my right knee scheduled for scope on 11/18. Then went and skied. Of course the handle came out of my hands with new gloves going from 3 to 4 at 35off. Pounded into the wake. My torso landed on my upper arm, effectively pinning it, and the water ripped my hand backwards, hyperextending my elbow and straining my forearm. OOOUUUUCH. First time I've ever fallen in the five years I've been skiing the course and thought "I hurt myself."
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  • Baller

I can relate to the water ripping your arm backwards. Today is the 1 year anniversary of a crash at 4ball during my reach (tail blew out in the turn), tearing my shoulder out of its socket, resulting in a 6 hour surgery and 9 months hard rehab and no skiing.


I think I won't shorten past 32 today.

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  • Baller_
I had my hardest fall/biggest injury of the season yesterday. I slipped on a wet, slippery rock, banged my quad and fell in the lake as we were pulling out the course for the season! I can hardly walk today. Guess I'll have to watch football.


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  • Baller

Richard, you should be ready. I quit visibly limping a few days prior to skiwatch this weekend. Had not run any 35 leading up to tourney b/c I figured one wrong fall and I aggravate the injury.

Got down there 2 days ahead of time and ran 35's both Thurs/Fri in practice. Ran five of six tailwind 35's in Sat/Sun tourneys getting 5 shots at headwind 38's. Got 4 balls on best run which ties tourney PB for me (was really running that pass well...grr). Go get 'em, Richard.

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  • Baller_
6ball - good skiing, I'm sure there were a lot of skiers that wished their best was 4 @ -38 that weekend. Have you ever started a segment longer so you would've had a headwind 35, then a tail 38 ? Just wondering, because I can generally do better with a tail wind pass unless it's really blowing.
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  • Baller

Just prior to injury I skied at MS' tourney in MN, I ran 6 headwind 35's and got 6 shots at light tail 38's. Best was 4 balls there as well. The 4 balls at MS' tourney were scrappers, the 4 balls at skiwatch I had the pass rolling.

Not sure it's a head/tail issue for me...just need to ski it better.

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  • Baller
Richard -- I did the same as Dave. Ran 6 tailwind 35s and went for 38 in the headwind. My scores proved that there are a lot of balls at 38, since they ranged from an awful start (0.5) to one I should have run (5) except that I looked at five ball and said "don't turn it too hard" before I got there. Oh well -- had a great time at Ski Watch with all my MN and down south friends!
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  • Baller
@ Chef23 Same surgery 5 years ago, my damage may have been a little more extensive, ruptured disk and bone fragments in the nerve. Instant relief after surgery for the leg pain, on pain meds until the staples were out, 6 weeks of moving slowly. Rode jumpers at 3 months out.
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  • Baller

@elr I don't have instant relief from the leg pain it is actually a little worse today than it was before the surgery. The doc did say he had to dig the fragment out and it might take a little while for the nerve to quiet down. I have been trying to go easy on the percoset I don't like the way it feels but it definitely helps with the pain.


I have close to 6 months before the boat is back in the water so I have time to recover.

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  • Baller
@chef23 I was pretty much in bed on pain meds prior to surgery - so instant relief meant I could walk a few feet without passing out after surgery. Didn't need pain meds at all after two weeks and actually cut down right after surgery - but if you need them take them. I had surgery in November and started back up in March - when the water warmed up in TX. Good Luck - do your PT and I found that just walking was most helpful.
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  • Baller
Ended my season this week in a lean-lock scenario while running what felt like a smooth easy 28. Went out the front right behind the boat and can't lift my right arm at all unless I use my left arm to lift it. I've never had a real ski injury that wasnt just a nag. I knew this one was the real deal the second it happened. Frustrating! But at least it happened at the end of the season
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  • Baller

Thats happend to me several times as well, usually at the buoy. My front Reflex releases in a tip stall situation, and something, (I always assumed it was my ski, but Bruce brings up a good point, that it could the release, or the hardshell) wacks me hard on the back shin. Never got stitches, but had to butterfly several times. My major mistake was to crank the release down to prevent this from happening, resulting in a torn achilles in '09.


I still ski on the Reflex, but have managed to avoid any more offside tip stalls. This is one of the many injuries I have had that have forced me to improve my technique!

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  • Baller
Bruce-I would use a spray sleeve to protect my bloody shins for the balance of the summer, and I did take some pretty good ribbing on the dock at a few tourneys. I like your idea of a shin pad better. If I am going to take crap on the dock, I might as well use the best protection possible. I agree, no plans to replace the Reflex. I love it.
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  • Baller
Just got bent over at 4 ball 35 off and decided that was pathetic....pulled to 5 and ran over it...center punched it. out the front and trip to the ER to sew it up. Right shin bruised and swollen...left big toe torn open... dumb ass. The wife went out afterward and went out the front 1 to 2 ball...sympathy crash!
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Hey this is great! I did the shin thing 6 Times since spring time. Lots of trips to see the same clinic close to the lake. I have two scars, each scar has had stiches three times. I now have a shin guard that I made out of my old motorcycle riding equipment.


Now I think I have a neck injury, everytime I ski hard my neck and left side of my face around my eye hurts. I think I need to take a month or so off and let my body heal. Trouble is I have this new D3 Fusion I need to be skiing on.

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