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If you logged your ski sets...


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  • Baller
If you logged your ski sets, what are your numbers? What did you keep track of and what helped you the most? Here are my numbers which include tournaments: 84 Ski days, 125 sets, 672 passes, 3376.5 total buoys, 5.02 average buoys per pass, 71.8 average water temp, 80.5 average air temp, 04/01/2011 was first ski day, hopefully a few more days left this year and12 different boats (all with Zero Off but one.) The number that helped me the most was average buoys per pass. I tried to keep that above 5 by skiing many early and smooth passes before going to my maximum pass. Thank you Horton for the idea of keeping a log.
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  • Baller
@scotchipman, I think the reason why the water temp is higher than you is we started later and did not ski very many spring days. I used an additional water thermometer compared to the boat. Our Malibu was usually pretty close. The club boat seemed to vary a lot.
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  • Baller

I don't get to ski in a course very often but I still keep track of my skiing. Here are my columns: Date, Time, Ski, Boat, Location, Conditions, People, #ofRuns, Wet Suit type, Notes (things like rope length, binding releases, course statistics, how much money I gave for gas, ...). This year I got out on the water 38 times and skied 62 sets. I played around with shorter ropes (28 to 35) on open water at the end of the season and really had fun.


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Here is my sheet. I will redesign it next year but it was a good first try




It is set up so I can easily fill it out from my phone. I do not take the best notes.

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Doing some informal testing today skied 5 or 6 short sets. Not sure. Lost count. Holy crap


@Razorskier1 516 in 3 days is a lot!


I passed 6k balls today and at last count I have run at least 3 @ 38 on 14 skis this year. Wonder if I skied on one ski my score would go ... down?

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  • Baller
I keep a log as well in Excel. I will post an example of it just for information. I have it set up to keep running totals of passes, days skied, sets skied as well as the pertitent important stats. I just copy and paste the chunk of lines from the gray divider for each day.http://static.cl1.vanilladev.com/ballofspray.vanillaforums.com/uploads/FileUpload/ae/dbf44a993c3a93ad502e6d1d565235.jpg
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  • Baller

ski4xtc, Razor1 skied 15% of your season # of balls over 3 October days in MN! Horton, he skied 8% of your total season count in 3 days!!

This is how we racked up 32 hours on Razor1's boat on a week of vacation this summer. I think Excel would short circuit if he tried to log his sets.


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  • Baller

Season is short -- gotta get all you can as the weather turns colder. The good news for me is the wind is blowing today . . . so on the 7th day I rest!


John -- interesting question on scores. Every new ski I have gotten I almost immediately feel like it is a breakthrough, but then it turns out that it gets me either (a) just a little further or (b) just a little more consistent at my max scores. Either way it works. Have to figure your score goes up with more time on one ski.

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