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Solar Storm and GPS Cruise Control

east tx skier

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  • Baller
Stargazer connected fine at first this morning, bit after about 20 min., I lost my GPS signal. Later in the day, I got it back for 5 minutes, but then it was gone again. Emailed PP, but on the news tonight, I saw that we had solar storms hitting the earth this morning and throughout the weekend. Anyone else have the GPS signal fall off today?
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  • Baller

Sent my antenna off to Perfect Pass for testing this morning. Hoping they can fix it (thing looked new). They quoted me $189 for a replacement if it's not fixable.


They also mentioned software in the antenna itself. Anyone hear of this before? I thought the antennas were just "dumb" receivers and that all of the software was in the module itself. Might explain the hefty price tag if they are loaded up with software.

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  • Baller

Yeah, while that's my feeling from my wallet's perspective, I've had this SG Master Module and antenna since 2008 (one of the original SG systems). My customer service experience with these guys has been top notch. On the first SG update in 04/2008, I had system save problems and they must have sent me 5 modules at no charge (in either direction Fedex overnight) to try to get the problem fixed before reworking the way the system saved information and implementing that in all systems going forward (I was one of only two people in the country having this problem at that time).


After I nicely balked at the $189 price, I immediately got an email back saying to send it to them so that they could test it. If I had to guess, I think they want to see if it has been chewed up by mice. The reality is that it is pristine, even at the point where it was snaked between my dash pod and dash. So hopefully, they can either get it working or take pity on me. If not, I don't know that I would expect any company to warrant a four year old piece of electronics equipment used on a boat.


But I can hope.

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  • Baller

Just a little update. My GPS antenna is inexplicably just dead. They even remarked at how it looked brand new.


New one on the way along with a zbox to take advantage of combined shipping.


Incidentally, since my master module is older, I either had to get a new one at a discount or send my old one to have a new board installed so that it could handle the power requirements of the zbox. I opted for a new one.


If anyone wants to buy a Stargazer Master Module, drop me a line. I have mine listed on ski-it-again.

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  • Baller

@east tx skier for the benefit of anyone interested in you old Master Module,

it's easily modified to work with Z-Box by someone who can do a bit of circuit board work.


I was in exactly the same boat. The guys at Perfect Pass sent me a couple of 7805 Regs with

my Z-Box & details on how to mod the board.


Basically it's Reg3 that has to be upgraded.


Out of curiosity wat was the serial number on your module?

Mine was SG00531.






Modding Z-Box here:-




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  • Baller

@Phil2360, thanks. But the old module sold within about an hour or so of my listing it on a few forums. Thanks for the link though. The guy that bought mine is using it for wakeboarding. So it will probably never see a zbox. Buying a new one at cost for them and selling mine for much less than it would cost someone to buy one new works out great for everyone.


I'll get back to you on the serial number. I had it written down at work.

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  • Baller

Serial No. is SGM0140, or so I thought. That's what I get for using my records. Just realized that that was probably my first SG Master Module (02/2008). In 04/2008, there was an update that required swapping modules. I had some system save issues and probably swapped four of them by the time was all said and done.


No worries though. Sold my module yesterday for a good price and will replace with the new one.

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