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Jenny LaBaw


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  • Baller
I have always worked out, and try to stay in shape so I can participate actively in the activities I enjoy the most (namely waterskiing). I thought I had a solid knowledge of my diet and exercise and felt like I was in decent shape for my age. Then I decided to hire Jenny LaBaw as my personal trainer for 12 months. We did it all through her website online which was easier than actually meeting with a trainer for me. I can say without hesitation that I learned more about diet & exercise during that 12 months that I had in the previous 12 years. She completely changed my diet and exercise regimen in a way that I personally feel has optimized me as an athlete (with heavy emphasis on the muscle groups we leverage in slalom). I saw more improvement in my skiing last season than any season previously as a result of the regimen she had me on. I HIGHLY recommend Jenny LaBaw for any athlete who is serious about self optimization in an effort to improve at our sport.
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  • Baller
Wow. Texas 6 that is an awesome referral and now you've got me thinking about working with her. I kind of feel the same way that you described yourself pre-Jenny. I do a lot of my own self-directed stuff, but I know I could really benefit from guidance from someone like her. I didn't know she offered something online, so I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
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  • Baller
@jimbrake, she's the real deal. I met her when she was traveling on the Face-to-Face tour with Marcus, and they came through our neighborhood. My wife and I both used her separately for a year and both feel the same way about the results. Her workouts are intense, but I've never felt better.
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  • Baller

Another satisfied client here, although it feels more than that. I almost don't want to tell y'all because I want to make she doen't get too busy :)


I was the same as @texas6, thought I ate pretty good and had a strong workout program. But nothing compared to Jenny. She has a way about her, that makes you want to train harder, and you do train harder. She keeps it changing so it is never boring and always CHALLENGING and clearly knows how to train waterskiers. She also helped me on the foods I was eating and how I was eating them, and it really helped me lean out even more than I was and eat more than I used to.


I have not skied since working with her, but I know that I am stronger and will have better endurance once we start.

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  • Baller

I have been working with Jenny since late January. I started working with Jenny on the recommendation of @rayn. Unlike @rayn and @texas6 I was not in real good shape and my diet sucked. In about 8 weeks I am down 24 pounds to 218 and my diet is totally different. I feel great and am lighter than I have been in probably 10 years.


The workouts are very challenging and fast paced. Working with Jenny has been great and I am hoping it translates into having a great year of skiing.

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Jennie is literally one of the fittest women in the world. She placed 6th in the crossfit games last year. Crossfit transformed my skiing last year. Made me more consistent, added 5 buoys to my average, and got my first OM rating. I can only imagine what crossfit style workouts with a waterskiing specific emphasis could do.
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rayn AND chef23 into -38 this year? Yeah, I could see that now. Would make us one of the most talented "clubs" 'round these parts!


Crossfit and the like seem awesome. I don't think I'm willing to put in the effort or time or money for that at the moment, but perhaps when my kids are a little older I can use something like that to stay on my plateau a little longer into Men IV and Men V.


In any case, I'm loving the concept of a slalom-aware trainer.

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  • Baller
@Than Bogan the time with Jenny is less than I was spending in the gym anyway. Usually it is less than an hour workout. It is 5-6 days a week but you could easily fit it in at lunch time or in the morning. I don't know about Crossfit I haven't been there and it is expensive.
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  • Baller
@6balls -- yep. I haven't met anyone in my lifetime that works out harder than me, so seeing someone like Jenny is pretty amazing. I have never used a personal trainer because I couldn't find one who would really be able to kick my butt and make me better. Jenny appears to be one of the few who could.
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  • Baller
I have always worked out really hard aw well, and she has been consistently painful. It usually results in my feeling like a baby calf attempting to walk for the first time on most days. I print the workouts out usually before going to the gym, and they always look easier on paper. Always.
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  • Baller
@Texas6, Same here. They almost always look easier on paper, but sometimes you do know what you are in for. But it is all worth it. I just had my first ski of the year, and other than the parts of me that were already sore from her workout, I feel great! I guess the true test will be tomorrow and Sunday.
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Jenny is the real deal!! Class act all the way and knows how to get waterskiers in shape to slalom ski has great warm up routines and all the right after ski stretching completly dialed. We were fortunate to have her and Marcus at our ski site on Utah Lake summer before last and it rocked!! Thanks MB and Jenny for making a difference in my little ski world!!!


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