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BallOfSpray visit to AM Skis


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I wrapped up my recent trip to Orlando with two days at AM Skis. Visiting a ski company a few weeks before they sell their first ever ski is a lot like spending time with an expectant mother. It is a beehive of activity and excitement with just a dash of wonder about the future. Expectations are high and the details are falling into place. The few details that are not on schedule are getting urgent attention by Andy Mapple himself. It is not just the skis themselves that require attention but also calls to the printer, the electrician and the web designer. A high voltage electrical issue for one piece of equipment is perhaps causing engineer and co-founder, Adam Cord, to go prematurely grey. Andy is calm, already grey and smiles wisely like a man who knows exactly what he is getting into.


When I was there, the 66" version of the ski was only days away from being produced as a consumer product. The innovations and new technology that will be standard on all AM Skis have been meticulously tested and proven on the 66" version. The 64.5", 67.5" and 69" are not far behind. Molds are currently being made, processes are being perfected, and final preparations are being made to open for business.


The factory itself is littered with prototype versions of the ski along with skis being used by the test team. Each prototype represents a step in the evolution in the final ski's DNA. Some of these skis have been tested at 43 off, some have outlandish shapes, and others were made with variations in the production process. Most of them live in a bone yard on one side of the shop. In another corner, there is a small pile of dismembered parts of skis, which are pieces of skis that have been sawed in half to inspect the internal structure. The factory is a space full of dust and debris resulting from the grinding and trimming of various molds, forms, and miscellaneous parts. This is a work place not a show place.


The AM Skis factory is a simple warehouse space with offices in the front. Besides the inconspicuous rolls of carbon fiber, a small but special freezer, a temperature and humidity controlled clean room and a custom oven, it would be easy to miss the fact that this company is about to introduce a whole new approach to water ski manufacture. In this case, "cutting edge" cannot be identified unless you know what you are looking at, or in my case, I asked a lot of questions.

The feature that is very special about this factory is not inside it. It is the lake that is less than a mile away. Almost too good to be true, the lake was dug decades ago as part of a construction project, and it is the perfect size and shape for a slalom lake. With the factory so close to the lake, the AM Skis’ staff and team can test skis and train every day under Andy's watchful eye.


It was a little windy and cloudy while I was there, but it was good enough for Mapple to make a 41off (55k) pass look easy and for AM Skis team member, Chris Parrish, to run 39 off in a strong tail wind and to get 4 at 41. Chris was riding the same prototype ski that he used to score into 43 off a few weeks ago at a Hancock Lake record tournament. There is an expectation, that when Parrish gets a final production version of the ski, his scores will be even better.


I rode a 66" version of the ski for one set, but the review will have to wait until a production version of the 67" is available.


Every ski company is betting on their future success when they launch a new ski. Without a doubt, the team at AM Skis believe that they have a winner in terms of ski design and innovation. It should not be long until AM Skis announces the availability of their first offering.


I want to thank Andy and Adam for letting me get a sneak peek into what they are doing.


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After Brent and the rest of us were there a couple weeks back, I'm surprised they let any other yahoos in;) From what we saw and learned, they are going to be very successful.
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  • Baller

So guys who all is waiting to try Andy's new ski? I know I am looking forward to getting on it.


Andy and Adam are always on the cutting edge when it comes to ski design and production look at their last ski together it was built like no other with a design like one else has. From what I have heard this new process and design they have is even better. These two guys together with no restrictions from a large company can build what ever they want. This freedom is what will make them the best factory out there. Which other factory has a lake in FL just a mile a way for testing? NO ONE, Which factory has their pro skiers living just a few miles away NONE. Talk about a set up!

For me I have always like Andy's ski designs and this new one I know it will be even better than the ski I have now. If there is a waiting list I'm sure jumping on it.


Who's with me? I will be at Masters in a few weeks for their debut and hopefully will get my hands on one of these new sticks!

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  • Baller
I wish 'em luck but for me some will come down to price etc. There are so many technical things I screw up now that, if fixed, will get me substantially more buoys. I need to work on those, not a new ski. Even now I feel like my ski is better than I am.
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  • Baller

Wanna know something about the skis themselves. How they compare feel wise to earlier of Andy's designs i.e. the MPD, SixAm etc. Sold my Strada and went back to the MPD cause I ski better on it. If the new one's have any relationship skiing-wise to my MPD I'm in.



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  • Baller
What I mean is ....every year there is a new ski that is the next best thing....the reality is the average skier should use the wait and see approach...I bet there are a lot of Mapple design disciples that would have stocked up on Sixam 1 points....if they knew then what they know now
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I can tell you guys Adam, Andy and CP think they have found something. The shape is a little different. It would be hard to see if you did not know what you were looking for but they think it makes a big difference. We shall see.
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  • Baller

They (ski companies-plural) are all doing R&D; they are all cutting slots out of skis and widening the platform, mid tail under the back foot and narrowing the tail; or, some combination of increasing surface area of the ski, especially for 34 mph skiers. It is the new flavor of the month. It may taste a lot better than the old flavor; it may not.


RTM was hailed as the premier technology/process for building a ski (by Adam and Andy...as well as a few other companies) and now they are not using RTM. Not to say that it may be the best technology out there; but, did it bring its equal in value and performance. I am guessing "no", based on all the others making skis that finish on the top podium steps with a lesser process.


I hope the ski is great and I will surely try one if I have the chance; but, all the hype...year after year..it gets to be like chicken little. "You gotta get on this new stick or you will be left behind"....

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  • Baller
My comment is a general one....not directed at AM Skis....and yes...the first sixams were the best....my ski partner is skiing on one right now that Andy gave him years ago,that is hand tuned
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  • Baller

@Shane , I don't disagree. I got some help from a ski change last year but it's an even better ski when I use it correctly.

I'm a fan of the individuals involved in AM skis so I hope it goes well.

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@skibug Theoretically RTM really is still the best process for consistency and durability. The new and not yet public process AM Skis is using is totally different but I think it will yield a very good ski that will basically never break down. The question is - does RTM or any process buy you balls? I say no. RTM is better from an engineering point of view but is a pain in the ass from a manufacturing point of view. The Razors are so good because they are made in a factory that does nothing but RTM. How a ski is made is sort of besides the point. A ski that does not last sucks but that is not what I am talking about.


You get more or less balls from shape - flex - rocker. If the shape, flex and rocker of the next ski from any brand is better we will run more balls. It is that simple.


Go try any high end sporting equipt from 10 years ago. It sucks compared to the current stuff. .

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  • Baller
I like Andy & his ski designs & think it a good idea support those you believe in ,besides the the best Sixam's were the 1st ones that came out of Andy's garage!


....and yes...the first sixams were the best....my ski partner is skiing on one right now that Andy gave him years ago,that is hand tuned


Also the best MPD's were the ones Andy hand tuned himself. Not sure of his involvment in the actual manufacturing but I do know he was involved. Mine is an early production Radar version, serial #0028, hand tuned by the Man himself, two of my best ski buddies have numbers 0026 and 0027. Wouldn't trade it for anything else out there right now, 5 years old and still kicking a$$. I no longer get excited about the "latest and greatest" coming out, however I am anxious to hear your review and opinion John.



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