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need coaching help!


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  • Baller

I know there are some awesome skiers that browse these pages. So at the risk of embarrassing myself, I'm gonna ask for help! Unfortunately, I rarely get to have anybody watch me ski as its usually just me and my driver. I'd love to hear some feedback! Thanks in advance. The first video is 32 off at 36 mph. The second is 35 off at 36 mph.



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  • Baller

@webbdawg99 embarrassed??? Anyone running consistent 35 off at 36 mph and 2 @ 38 at 36 mph has nothing to be embarrassed about. This is a high level coaching request I will leave to those better than me.

Are you running fall skiwatch tourney? If so see you there hopefully both of us thru 38!

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  • Baller
At 38 your pulling in for your gates with a tight line woudnt you say? The best gate advice that I have heard is to turn in while your rope has a little bit of slack in it. This will give you a ton of angle on the buoy, and not alot of speed. Your 1 ball looked like you were kind of cramming the turn, happens when we have too much speed so try to take a turn in for your gate before the line is tight, while it has that little bit of dip in it. Pull out a little later if the timing isnt consitent with your current pull out.
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  • Baller_

Overall not too bad. Your gate on 32 was too narrow, but it looked better by 38.


2 things stand out that need to be fixed:


1. You are starting your pull out of the buoy before the ski is fully underneath you. Other ways to describe the same thing are to carry speed through the turn before loading, or get the ski between the handle and the pylon before loading.


2. You are dipping your shoulders on both turns (a nearly universal problem if that makes you feel better). Try to keep your inside shoulder up (level), pull your outside shoulder back (counter-rotate).


Fix those and you will be skiing much easier and more consistently down the rope at 38.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
Thanks guys. Those are definitely things I need to work on. Dropping the shoulder is ver bad/old habit. I do have one specific question. Why do you think I got so much slack out of 4 at 35 off. Seems to happen more often than I'd like.
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  • Baller
To fix above mentioned issues try to keep the handle low on your hip off the second wake. This will allow you to cast out and keep your ski speed up as well. Just my 2 cents! Still good skiing man!
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  • Baller
@webbdawg99 as Bruce was saying you need to get wider for your gates but not just at 32, you need to get wider at every line length...or/and...if you are going to do that style of gate, you need to pull out much later and more aggressive so that you can at least make the turn with speed....this is the reason for the dip in your shoulders in the turns, you do not have enough perpendicular speed to keep you up through the arc of the turn and again you do not have enough speed at the start b/c at your gates, your hips are static--in other words they stay well behind the handle and are never able to catch up, not b/c your ski is not between you and the boat(sorry Bruce, have to disagree there) You need to get much more speed out wider at your starts to that you can start your edge change early, and get free of the boat.
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  • Baller

@nate93 Thats a new one for me. I'll definitely see what I can do with it. Thanks!


@matthewbrown It's funny that you say, "if you are going to do that style of gate". Just this week I was mulling over going back to a 2 handed gate. I don't feel like I've gained any benefit from attempting a one handed gate. When I initially started doing it a couple seasons ago, it was much more like MB's gate, but I was very inconsistent. I think it has evolved to what you see now....hardly a true one handed gate. I think you've hit one of the big nails on the head.


A few seasons ago, there was a train of thought that if you were a LFF skier like me, the one handed gate was the way to go. CP went to it and has since gone back. If CP can run 41 w a 2 handed gate, then it certainly should get me through 38. I'm thinking going back to 2 hands will provide me more consistency and control..... But I'm still on the fence. What are thoughts on that?

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@webbdawg99 I am a lefty and tried the one handed gate for a short time but never felt like I got the timing down so I switched back to the two handed gate. I think it boils down to whatever you feel comfortable with.

Since we are breaking down video, Any suggestions on the below video would be greatly appreciatted, the first pass is 34 mph as my driver forgot to change speeds but all passes after are 36 mph



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  • Baller
@bmiller3536 Excellent skiing! I may switch back to the 2 handed gate after this season ends. As far as coaching...hard to give any advice to someone that's a better skier. The only thing I noticed was you seemed to be getting some slack into/out of 1. Seems you may be carrying more downcourse speed than is ideal. Looks like your edge change could happen a fraction of a second sooner going into 1. Its very minimal though.
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  • Baller
@Webdawg99, lots of great tips in here, excellent skiing by the way! I would also take notice of what you are doing with the handle at 2 & 4. You appear to be pulling the handle back in at the apex of the turn rather than letting the ski finish and skiing back to the handle. This is accelerating the turn and likely part of the reason for some of the slack you are experiencing on that side of the course. Slow it down a bit and wait on the ski to finish. I suffer from the same exact issue on occasion. Again, its a picky comment, but worth investigating.
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  • Baller

@webbdawg99 you are essentially running a two handed gate right now as letting go with one hand is just window dressing. To learn the one handed gate takes someone in the boat who knows exactly how to coach you and if you don't have that at least initially, it can be a futile effort.


@bmiller3536 that is some great skiing. It starts at your gate, at the finish of your turn when the load comes you are on the tail of the ski with stiff legs...look at your 32/36mph gate and at 29 seconds when you are right behind the boat the ski is way too far out in front of you as your hips and shoulders are way behind your feet. Now look at 33 and 34 seconds coming into 2 ball and finishing 2 ball---it's all back foot....flex that front knee forward at the ankles and keep your hips over your feet at all times and you'll be crushing 38's but work on it at 32 until you are exaggerating it and have the concept down. Your 35 pass was considerably better as you had your hips more underneath you, however if 10 was a perfect score for weight distribution...32 would be scored about a 4 and 35 would be about a 6 so you still can improve it greatly. Your gate at 38 was nearly perfect, you can see how much more aligned you are....you just didn't create enough speed in the gate turn and had to pull too long into one ball.

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@webbdawg99, I agree probably coming from Matts comment about my speed for the turn in

Thanks @matthewbrown I appreciatte the insight, I will definitely think about that my next time on the water. You took out my boy Chad Baker at the big dawg in houston. Great Skiing


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  • Baller

@ 6balls. Miscounted my meds again. Wish doctors could write legibly. OK, I guess I lost track of who I was talking to/about . Video of bmiller3536. Boat is a SN 196 with plastic grab handles like in my 02. However the ski locker pads have a manual handle lock which came out in 03-04 I think. Listening and going by the speed control beeps I am pretty sure that boat has PP not ZO.


@webbdawg Sorry, I know the SN 200 has ZO. Mixed up who and which video I was talking about.



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