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Watching vid for the 15 - 22 off'ers.


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  • Baller

I like to watch vid. Whether it is waterski slalom or snow skiing, to learn how to ski better and to visualize. But over the years, I am realizing that watching the greats in their training or less than 110% runs is more valuable usually to me than watching them at say 41 off. Why, because they are doing something different at that point that I might misunderstand or only see as a snapshot, when what I really need to solidify is the basics that got them up to those line lengths in the first place. Thoughts?


Also, anyone know of a source for watching some good training runs? I would guess for me, that means watching the Big Dawgs, etc. run 28 - 32 off or something like that. Nate's short line vids are wonderful to see, but I may search for some showing easier runs to see what he looks like there. Watching Terry Winter's vids seems pretty good too. I bet I can find more if I dig.

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