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So I am posting my first ski video of me.

Have been Running 4-5 at 35 off 34mph and it is getting frustrating,

The first is 32 and the last two are 35 90% sure. my daughter didn't say anything while videoing.




I hope this works











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  • Baller

1. You've either got to move the hips up or the shoulders back. You are not at all stacked.

2. The way you're doing the one handed gate isn't really providing any benefit. You never move the ski out from under you. If you're going to pull out and stand up, you might as well keep two hands on, facing down course and stand up over your front foot so you can turn into some angle.

3. Counter- Need more effective counter rotation to bring the inside hip forward and engage the rocker of the ski

3. Extend. You're only halfway reaching/extending. Part of what allows the ski to roll over and get onto its turning edge is a full reach.

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I have been trying hard to counter especially on my 1 3 5 side but it obviously isn't working as well as I want it to. Which makes me feel in an impossible position to get stacked.


How would I go about extending?

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  • Baller
The first thing I'd do is get stacked behind the boat. The turn is there to just link to crosscourse movements, so the critical thing is how you position yourself behind the boat. Once you get yourself stacked, the ski will release earlier and create more space in front of the buoy.
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  • Baller
To Daughter- stop drinking coffee. To you , think "proud" once you get the handle, chest out, hips forward. Like Shane is saying, the release will then allow you to ski away from the handle and back to it. No Alligator arm reach. When you are in correct body position behind boat, you will be able to maintain that direction going out when you release.
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  • Baller

Nice skiing. You are not too far off from having a big breakthrough!!! Keep up the good skiing!


Like shaneH mentioned,..get "stacked behind" the boat first.




One way to do this is to........


-stand tall (the more you bend your knees the more your hips trail and you'll lead w/ shoulders)

-arms straight (notice in your video that are arms are sligtly bent at times)

-elbows to the vest/vest to the elbows (notice that your arms are seperated from your vest)

-hips up/forward (your hips are trailing slightly)

-handle on the hip/handle in the pocket (low anchor point)

-chest out

-shoulders back


If you just focused on standing taller and locking the elbows to the vest with straight arms, that should help you tremendously.





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  • Baller

@horton, I think it made you nauseated. If it made you nauseous it caused you to make others nauseated...this was a pet peeve of one of my residency faculty and it sticks in my head to this day. Every poor first year medical resident went through this distinction in detail in front of all others when rounding with Dr. Bob. By the time we were 3rd year residents when it came up we just dropped our heads cuz we knew what was coming.

It went something like: "the patient was nauseous" and he would stop them right there..."Excuse me, the patient made you sick?" "No, the patient felt sick" "Oh...ok, the patient was nauseated....thank you...please enjoy your breakfast"

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The hips up is going to be a big focus for me, because it is so opposite of my style. At 28 and 32 it is getting much easier to focus on hips up (leveraged) and arms straighter.


Youtube said that is was a bit shakey. Would you like us to fix it! I clicked Yes. So Next time I won't have them try and smooth the video.


Every video I watch everyone keeps their hips up.


Thanks for all the input it has helped me refocus on something that I believe will help the most right now.

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  • Baller

@ToddL I'd add...The more you lean against both arms with your elbows touching your vest, the more your hips will naturally come up relative to your shoulders.



That's Perfect!!! :-)


While "locked into" that leveraged body position, try a "whipping drill" similiar to what Seth is teaching here.



I wouldn't worry about the turns so much. I would concentrate on getting "locked into" that leveraged position at each wake crossing. A strong leveraged position cross course will give you sufficient space and time to make a good turn!

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  • Baller

@ToddF, Nice thread and nice skiing! I am nowhere near that ball count or line length, but I learn lots from reading these threads and appreciate all the guys that share their vid.


@ShaneH, in addition to the focus on the lean using both arms, you also said:


Counter- Need more effective counter rotation to bring the inside hip forward and engage the rocker of the ski

Extend. You're only halfway reaching/extending. Part of what allows the ski to roll over and get onto its turning edge is a full reach.


Am I thinking correctly that those things will be easier if I have accomplished the good, stacked lean against both arms with elbows on the vest, because the cross course speed and rope tension, etc., will set it up? (EDIT: as I re-read my comment, that seems like kind of a dumb question in retrospect. I think the answer is obviously yes. But I'll leave the comment up in case anyone has anything to add).


I have some other questions, but I think I will work up another thread rather than derail ToddF's thread.

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Yesterday was a good ran my 35 and got around the 5 ball three times.

I was really trying to get countered on my off side which lets me get my hips up and stacked.


On my on side I try and get my hips up and that lets me finish the turn and stay stacked.

I am thinking about something different on each side of the course. But it felt good yesterday.


Does anyone else use different cues on the opposite sides of the course?


sunvalleylaw, yes when I do on the rare occasion get in that great stacked position everything is much easier and less stressful on the body

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  • Baller
Sounds like you are rolling @toddf, keep it up! I don't think about much of anything off side as it's very reliable. I do think about things on my on-side in an attempt to keep from killing the poor little ball when I'm early. Anyone who has watched me much will tell you I have yet to solve this riddle!
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