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Is this right?


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  • Baller
So I posted yesterday thinking I had my strada binding in the wrong place (2010 66” strada). Turns out it is right at 28.75 from the back of the ski to the back of the boot, so I think it is right. What confuses me is why it would need to be at the very back holes if this is standard. I was told by Radar that their stock position is the middle holes and then adjust from there. That would seem to put the boot way too far back. I love how the ski feels, but the reason I started wondering is that I seem to have a lot of tip rise as I am in the middle of my pull...kind of right as I am approaching the first wake. I don’t have an issue with it at the buoys. I’ll try to get some video posted but I don’t have any right now. I’d like to be able to rule out that it isn’t at all related to my binding set up. I think I have the binding as far forward as the plate will allow currently, so I can’t imagine that would be the problem with the tip rise (probably just something I'm doing wrong), but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway. I am going to try to post a pic of my binding set up and would appreciate any comments others on the same ski might have. Thanks.
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  • Baller
This is the best news I've heard all day! Finally I might be able to blame some of my poor skiing on something other than bad technique. Can't wait to get home and try it out. This site is great!!! I feel pretty stupid for skiing on it with the wrong set up for the last two seasons though. Thanks.
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