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Dad makes great video to congratulate his G3 daughter after a summer of slalom PB's


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  • Baller

A very proud father made this video after his daughter had one tournament pb after another in 2012 at our local SunTen tournaments in Utah. This is what he sent to me in addition to the video:


After skiing on an intermediate ski last year, Shaela started skiing on her mom's 66" Nomad this summer. She started this summer with a best tournament score of 3.5 at 28 MPH at the SunTen Summer Opener in July. As the summer of Utah tournaments ended in August, she had progressed to a new PB of 3.5 at 32 MPH in the Goode Utah State Championships followed by 4 at 32 MPH in the last Utah tournament of the season the day after. Her tournament PB's were also her practice PB's. She has dubbed SunTen Lake 2 as her "Lucky Lake", as well as her favorite lake.


SunTen does a great job to promote tournament skiing for young kids and I can guarantee you that both the progress and the fun factor would not be there for Shaela if we did not have local tournaments to go to. We are so proud of her and very thankful for the owners of SunTen who continue to put in the work to support tournaments in Utah that give kids a positive competitive atmosphere.


Here is the link to his video:


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  • Baller

I would like to congratulate Sheala on an awesome season!!! she truly killed it and has inspired my daughter Sienna to keep progressing in the course.

On another note i would like to echo what John is saying about Sunten and all the owners who continue to put in countless hours to maintain a great ski site and put on several awesome tournaments each year. And yes they make it so fun for the youth in this sport thank you all so so much you guys rock!! Sienna was sad to ski her last tourny there this year and cannot wait for next tourny season to arrive!!! And yes i signed a waiver for Sienna (see video)

Thank you Sunten!!!


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