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Learninges from this seson or your latest runs?


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  • Baller

I Sweden most skiers seson will end next week.

Being a beginner I learn new stuff every set.

Currently there are a lot about timing and position.

Some times I puch myself to better understand effect of technique and also my limits (lately, I have had quite many falls and also many realy positive early turns).


What does you really experience skiers bring with you, learn from your last -say 10 sets or even last seson?




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  • Baller

I learned (or hope I did) that I need to allow the ski to cast out better on my toe side turns so that I am less prone to "pushing" the front of the ski to turn. And, I need a front boot that releases better when I do jam the front of the ski too much. This way I won't pop the achilles tendon again. Could have had a bit more fun the last couple months if I had not done that. :)

I guess the lesson is good technique is more than just about skiing better - it helps prevent injuries too.

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