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20i Tige how is this boat on the course?


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Promo'd one around the local INT circuit here in Ohio for the 2008 season. A very well built boat. Heavy, solid, and capable of a lot of different sports. Its one of those boats that can do everything pretty well, but is excellent at nothing. The convex hull has no transom hook so as a driver I had about a dozen different TAPS starting points memorized for all different speeds from 24-36mph depending on how many people were in the boat.


It os also sensitive to side to side loading. You can see it in the wakes. At an INT this was the one boat that could pull every event with no excuses: Slalom, trick, kneeboard, and even wakeboard with no wedge and no ballast. It was a HUGE favorite for the less experienced wakeboarders because the wake around 18mph was solid rampy and not intimidating.


For slalom the sweet spot is 28-38off. Longer than 28 there is a noticeable bump. Shorter than 38 there is a noticeable dent where the boat was.

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  • Baller

I have one and love it. The boat is easy to drive and holds its direction extremely well when driving the course with a skier behind (requires very little counter steer to stay down the middle). The drivers seat sits up higher than other ski boats and swivels which gives easy access and a great drivers view of the lake and upcoming course. I have zero off installed in my boat and I'm very happy with how easy/soft the boat skis (considerably better than with Perfect Pass). TAPS2 (Tige Adjustable Performance System) in conjunction with Tige's Convex V hull design allows me to shape the wake perfectly for any speed or line length. The PCM motor is an excellent match and provides a great hole shot and surprisingly good fuel efficiency.


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I test drove a 2011 in Oct 2011. The backing in the upholstery (seats) was warping due to the ehat from the sun. The dealers excuse was that they forgot to put on a mooring cover while they had the boat up at Lake Powell the week before. My question was "What about when we are using the boat? How will we protect the seats from warping?" They replied, "No problem, we will warranty them." I was less than satisfied with that reply. Strike one. I noticed the rear access panels had a lot of flex to them while opening and closing them. The same backing board was used in those panels. It was barely 1/2" thick and was not stiff enough. Also, some screws were already stripping out. Strike two. They brought the boat out to the lake for us to demo. The owner/salesman was trying to hide an overheating issue. He would rev up to 4500 RPM for about 15 seconds, then slow down to idle. After 15 minutes of this occuring and him not letting me drive the boat (strike three), I decided the Tige wasn't going home with me.


I talked to other Tige owners, the upholster on some years was hit or miss quality with stitching coming unravelled. Obviously, not all Tige boats have these issues, but it does point to a quality issue.


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