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We Can Make Atlanta A Historic Tournament


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  • Baller

Ballers, The upcoming Atlanta tournament is our chance to control the purse, unlike any waterski tourney ever (well, at least since last month in Acapulco where Gordon showed it can be done!) All these years we have been wringing our hands and crying in our beer that there is no money in pro tourneys. Other organizations and well-intentioned sponsors have done their best, supposedly, but it has always been rather anemic.


Atlanta is truly a FUBU (for us, by us) tourney, started at the grassroots level just last year by one of our own Ballers, George Obser. Now in year 2, BOS is contributing its clout (thanks, John!) and we can help make the purse what we want to make it. No limits.


The current purse is $5,000 for OM and $4,000 for the ladies. There are thousands of us who can kick in even $10 and make this the most lucrative waterski tourney in history. Every dollar contributed goes directly to the purse, not anywhere else. So sayeth George and John. We could easily triple the payouts and show these skiers we mean business and appreciate their efforts more than they will ever know.


Come on, a lousy $10, or more, from BOS readers can make this a historic event in our rather poverty stricken pro tournament history history. Kick in, and many thanks to all the Atlanta folks and BOS for making it happen.

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  • Baller_

I've been skiing pro events since 1996.


While I whole heartedly appreciate the enthusiasm and gesture of this thread....I can't help but speak up. I may only be speaking for myself (although I'd like to think many of the skiers would be behind me on this) but I would rather see money raised put towards marketing, promoting, and event coverage....rather than back in our pockets. @OB, you said it yourself....the ROI for potential sponsors just isn't there....and so they just can't step up to the plate. That has been the theme for years....and That won't change, ever, if the paradigm of event production and management doesn't change: more resources to event marketing/promotion/coverage (GOOD coverage, edited, well-done piece) and less initial concern with the rest of it.


If skiing was one day featured on network TV....that is potentially more valuable to us as athletes than a few extra thousand $'s at any one event. Is our prize money great? No. But I guess what I'm saying is prize $$ shouldn't be the only focus.....skiers might be able to hold out a bit longer..., if the future begins to look like something we can believe in.

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  • Baller

Maybe have to go different routes to get it started again. I was shocked to see a 20 min deal on South African Airways about 3 months ago about the Shanghai event a few years ago. Got to see Zach up on the podium. Exposure and spectators are what is needed not a few dollars of donation for prize money. Big events at private sites has help the scores but hurt the sport. More venues like the site for Malibu Open and Moomba are needed so these guys get exposure. Maybe have to start thinking out of the box.


Fairly disappointing to complete at the Talking Rock, GA pro tourny a few years ago, which was a great event with a lot of effort put into it, and hardly anyone on the shores to see it except for other competitors. This is more typical in the last few years though.


How about selling Delta on showing a 8- 10 min highlight recap of the event on all their flights for a month between boring sitcoms your forced to watch or some nature special. That's a lot of people in a captive environment.



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  • Baller
@OB My ski partner puts together wakeboard events and motorcross races. He has some good luck, at least in the Houston area, with external promotion. I know one of the things that got him a lot of promotional value was partial sponsorship a local restaurants summer concert series where they'd have 1000 people at a pop on Friday night concert all summer long. He got them to agree to let him get up in the middle of the concert and tell about his event and pass out event flyers there. The motorcross races he promoted statistically showed a 25% increase in concessions, so something was working. And the cost was pretty damn low.
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  • Baller

@Madd11 the ATL site is not a backyard site by any means. It's in the backyard of a movie theater, liquor store and holiday inn. To name a few places.


The talking Rock site is great for backyard but way to far away from the masses to attract anyone. Almost 2 hours from ATL. I was at that event though.


@OB works for delta. Don't think he did not try.

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  • Baller

Marcus, point well taken but very much disagree. We skiers have knocked ourselves out trying to market and promote for the last 15 years, and very little happens on the corporate and tv side. The occasional site, such as Milwaukee, is a wonderful exception, but Atlanta has refused for the second straight year. However, there are some very good sponsors on board, and they see an obvious ROI, so we are not talking of zero support.


The Atlanta tourney has been produced, organized, and funded, so here we are with the current purse. All these so called "future sponsors" have had their chance and said no thanks. Fine. Now here is our chance as a huge BOS club to put more money directly in the skiers pockets. I have a feeling they will like it, and hope for more "Atlantas" where they get more than verbal thanks for their efforts.


Ballers, we can impress cities and tv folks by showing them a huge purse is possible, that there are thousands of us out here who love this sport, and that they need to get on board this moving train. How about I start the flow with $50. Sign me up, George.

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  • Baller

Are there going to be any give-away items at this event? Are any sponsers giving away free shirts, keychains, food, beer, skis, ropes or whatever? I know this sounds completely cheesy but it could possibly attract spectators to the event.


Sure it may attract visitors for the wrong reasons (i.e., attend just for freebies). But lets face it, that's always prevalent with any promotional giveaway.


We could use some of the donations from ballers to buy a ton of free t-shirts with a sponsor's logo on it. In turn, the sponsors benefit by boosting advertising and we benefit from a discount on those items which in turn boosts attendance numbers.


I'm sure this has been thought of but I just wanted to throw in whatever input that I thought could help. If attendance and participation is important then lets try to get as much of the local public out at the site to see how amazing of a spectacle a water ski event can be (in first person).


I agree with Marcus's suggestion to an extent. This would cover the marketing and promotion aspects of his idea.

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  • Baller

@mattp I wasn't being critical of the site and I'm sure having a liquor store close will have benefits for all. Not sure it's going to put a few thousand people on the shore to watch, which is what is needed. I was just trying to encourage thinking out of the box to get exposure for potential sponsors. Somehow the promoter of the Shanghai event did. @OB glad to toss it around with you anytime on the phone.

I have run several big tournaments at our site and it is hard to get sponsors on board and spectators to attend.

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  • Baller

A bit off topic but on the same lines of what we are aiming for. Just my opinions.

Skiing has developed into a very covert sport, that does not see any light of day from the joe public. I mean just think how many sites are in the middle of know where in someones back yard. All that is happening is that skiing is becoming an inaccessible sport that only the rich can get into. If the mentality is that you have to be on the best lakes with the perfect shape, the perfect depth and the perfect direction, and these places are most likely invitation only basis, and as said before in the middle of know where, then yes nobody is going to know or try out our sport, because they can't.


My lake (rented) is surrounded by over a 100 holiday lodges. Every year I teach hundreds of people to ski because they see us at the crack of dawn slaloming and jumping, and think hey lets have a go at that. 99% love it and want to be able to continue on, and so information is passed on for other sites. Yes our lake is bigger than you want, and the depth is all over the place, but we have 2 courses and most the time it makes for awesome skiing, and completely open to the public for pay as you ski.


In comparison we have a purpose built lake 45 mins down the road. They are hard to get too (gravel track) in comparison to us been 2 mins off the main motorway (highway). They do there bit for promotion but its still an invitation only club, with limitations to just slaloming.


Im not saying we are awesome,and everyone is doing it wrong as the main downfall is been in the freezing UK :) and I love going to jacks or swiss to ski, but for promotion you need to get out there showing people what to do, because we all know how addicting this sport is. Get people into it and they will continue. I guess as a summary I'm saying we need more wide spread tourneys like moomba and malibu open. But from this actually make it easy for people to have a go. Once you get the sport bigger then sponsors will come, and we will get back on live TV. Rather than just trying to make a single tourney bigger, that is a very short term approach, we need to look to a long term.

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  • Baller_
Random thoughts for future advertising and the like. Maybe already thought of. Said above that the lake backs up to a local movie theater. Now a days movie theaters are catering to local advertisers by running short adds for them before the movie. Perhaps an avenue to advertise future Atlanta Pro-Ams. Typically inexpensive relatively speaking, captive audience and promotes to the locals who may fill the shoreline some day. And if the general public does make a significant showing, please please please for the sake of the new onlookers to the sport, do not announce in feet off the line or metric. Announce in how long the rope is "now" in feet. Soaked in Orlando was a big success from a spectator standpoint do to access and location but countless people would stop, watch and listen for a while, look confused, and then just walk away not understanding the feet off jargon. @OB from what I've read here...amazing job putting this together. Cannot even imagine all that goes into this. Also get a sense that you have left no stone unturned.
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  • Baller
our donation now means a bigger turn out of pros later which will attract the attention. This sport feeds our souls like a lot of other things. Give it a chance and commit. Vote for our sport with your wallet like Bruce said. We are the seeds of growth.
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  • Baller
@OB There ya go, done. Hopefully that's enough to help. Sent it all the way from South Africa. @TFIN going to win your event anyway so we can keep my money in TX. My favorite margarita in town is the Cadillac at the Iron Cactus. Don't forget.
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  • Baller
@shaneH Your right! It is the best. I made a decent donation so figured I wanted one other way to get some of my money back in case they cut @TFIN gates or something suspect at the event. Gotta have a back up plan.
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  • Baller
I'm just posting so we get this topic back in the Top 10, but a big thank you to all who have donated. We still have plenty of viewers who can surely afford a lousy $10, or more, and we have time on our side to give everyone a chance. Pony up for a good cause! OB, keep us informed with the 10min ticker and let's bust the seams, Ballers. And now, back to our regular programming....
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