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*Fluff* Best looking ski


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Andy's Elite has had me in love since my the first time I saw it and someone lent it to me for a ride. I really havent tried another ski. The think felt so light and the looks of it were so "pure" and all that carbon fiber was just so raw it spoke to me. It said my name and the gave me visions of the skier I wanted to be. Its the ski for me, or maybe it isnt, but ever since I've been following AM skis and waiting for the day they make a new RTM ski.


All RTM skis look good, but I like the gloss finish the best. When I saw a Sans Rival I was disappointed it didnt have a gloss finish. Same with Razor. The Fishers look pretty good as do the Reflex skis.


The Lime A3 is a refreshing looking stick. Cant help but dig it. All of HO's design language is attractive and says "buy me and ride me". On the opposite spectrum I think Goode is hideous. The Nano twist has a messy looking smoke pattern and the plainness of the Nano 1 doesnt convey the ski it is. Goode's whole design language is off putting to me. I've heard nothing but good things about their skis but I wont even think of buying them based on their looks, even in Chris Parish ties a world record his first day back on a Goode. Yes that sounds pathetic to you guys, or maybe its something Goode should look into.

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  • Baller

Does the good of the many outweigh the good of.....


@Bakinblak, please don't read any of my posts, as I am prone to acting far less than my age, and I really don't want to offend anyone, most of the time...

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  • Baller

AB rocks! Anyone who is "prone to acting far less than my age" is a great role model. It will be sad when @AB or @ShaneH can only post pictures of women in burkas. Plus I remember a post from AB regarding boat upholstery repair describing optimal Duct tape patterns - a classic I took to heart.


Skis should only be primer white with a nice wallboard texture.



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  • Baller
I know it isn't, but there was a real racey pic of a pro woman skier, wrapped in rope, like the above pic, and I am thinking NH or Brenda Baldwin.... I can't find a link, just looked. It was in a print ad in WSM. Somebody has to remember this too!
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