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Just wondering if anyone knows what happened


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This past summer I was away teaching skiing at Camp Rockmont in North Carolina, and gave up just about everything on the internet, but I did notice that when I got back, WetJacket/ProSkiCoach had vanished.. Does anyone know what happened? I emailed Wade, but never recieved a responce :(


I used to be on there religiously, and it's been a slow year not having any waterski forum fun in this winter season.



anyways!! I'M ESTATIC!! That Ball of Spray is still around!!!! Feel kinda bad I didn't remember about this forum earlier :/

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  • Baller
I never even knew about wetjacket. I remember using proskicoach regularly for ski settings and then I had to sign up for an account with wetjacket to access certain pages. Even after doing that, I still didn't know wetjacket was a website, forum, or anything other than a login to get to the fin adjustment page.
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  • Baller



Some info still out there.


I think his idea was to make $$$ by selling memberships to his site. We conversed via email a few times about it. The problem is there are other free sites with pretty good info to compete against, so you would need something pretty unique to get people to pay a monthly fee for.

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He could have never charged enuf $$$ to profit off of Members. Advertising and Sponsors are where the $$$ is found. I used to talk with Wade quite a bit. He's a Great Guy!


Creating optimum SEO, (Which he had and still ranks at the top) building mass appeal and site hits to bring and keep the Advertisers and Sponsors and of course making your Site family BIG by keeping Your Site family Happy to keep the site traffic up...


The economy was a lot tougher a couple of years ago. He walked at the right time mentally, but financially, it was very unfortunate timing... The economy is now slowly getting better and people are again buying what other people are advertising! -and others are beginning to do A LOT of advertising... Gear, Equip, Apparel, Alcohol... -it's all about the $$$

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@shane He's still listed with Connelly, so yeah he's skiing


@h20dawg79 I i'm noticing the same thing... and yeah PSC was never about getting money from users, Likewise I talked to wade frequently about stuff..


just so everyone's clear, I wasn't meaning to start any ruckus or elevate a form over another, I just wanted to find some answers to unanswered questions.. I hope this post isn't being hidden or edited in some way, I'm very glad ball of spray is up and running!



BTW.. to go further off topic, does MB do his lil fireside chats anymore?? or did that die as well?


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"BTW.. to go further off topic, does MB do his lil fireside chats anymore?? or did that die as well"?


@MarcusBrown, With regards to the above post, what are you up to these days? Are there anymore "Live Chat" webcasts in the future?



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  • Baller
Agree that PSC was not about memberships and it was abandoned. WJ was sprouted from PSC and it was based on free memberships initially and was intended to sell memberships when "premium" content was built into the site, and it also seems to be abandoned now.
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