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Day one!


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Holy ice cap @Than_Bogan ! Wow that's an early start! (Or is it?) would be for us up here in the great white north. Which is what the color of my lake is!


Still ice on the friggin' lake! Soon though. Soon...!

Went by Julien's on the weekend and it also was a very hard surface.

SM when do you normally start and where?


Need some of that global warming up here soon.


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@GaryWilkinson This is typical, leaning just barely late. I always try to start before the Red Sox do, but usually fail. Last year was rare in that we started in March.


Getting one set on the first weekend in April and then starting a regular routine about 1-2 weeks later is probably my "mode" over the last few years. This year that first weekend set had no chance, but otherwise on track.


@Chef23 Definitely cold, but seems to have already cleared the "brutal" threshold. I expect to go only dry-suit next time, rather than my dangerously-cold-water double-secret-backup of lifevest under drysuit.


@SkiJay It actually did feel pretty good, although I purposely cut it short, knowing I'd be sore today anyhow. I especially noticed that my off-side felt pretty good on this Nano One right from my very first turn. That's definitely not typical; usually that turn it pretty awkward for a few sets.


Probably put the course in around May 4/5. Currently too cold to drop that frequently.

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