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Crazy Old School Tricks


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When I was in Atlanta I sat in the boat when Olivier Fortamps (super nice guy) took a trick ride. WL5B, Flip this and flip that - whatever. What blew me away was the TWLF right in the middle of his run. Got me thinking about all the goofy and forgotten tricks like TW5B and my personal favorite WL5LB or SLF. Does anyone do reverse SLB anymore?


If anyone sees Russell tell him I started a thread about Tricks

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  • Baller

Oliver does WL5B? You are right, WL5LB is one of the coolest tricks ever! Totally underrated as are most line tricks. Line tricks are a lost art. Heel straps and double boots make line tricks not fit well in the runs with lots of flips. Only old guys do line tricks anymore...


TWLF is an incredible trick which fits anywhere in a run. TW5B is really difficult and only fits as an opening trick. While I think it's cooler than T7F (and easier for me), T7F is faster, similar points and also only fits as an opening trick. It has been years since I've seen (or been able to hit one myself in a run) TW5B - bummer.


SLF is a weird trick - and subject to judging prejudice. SLB, reverse are straightforward tricks that I still see a lot in runs. Both Kirk and Stan practice and field runs with both SLBs.


Tricks are so much fun, partly because of the creativity you input. Cool tricks, exciting sequences and flashy spectator appeal make tricks rock! Wakeboards are just trick skis of a different shape. Tricks are the gateway item to grow the sport.


@Horton Thanks for starting this thread.



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  • Baller

@Horton deserves a "like" for actually hitting a WL5LB! That is a wake line back, front, wake line back all done as one in the air (that is two steps over the rope!!). Few tricks display more power, finesse and control in a totally "wow" presentation. It may be the toughest trick on the books.


TRICK NOMENCLATURE 101: If you turn to back, the trick is a B. If you go over the wake while doing it, it is a WB. If you hang on with your toe and do the same trick, it is a TWB.


Of course there is the hard way to get around backwards - that would be by doing 1 1/2 rotations (540 degree turn) which would be a 5B. Off the wake it is a W5B. Hanging on with your toe it is a T5B and off the wake hanging on with your toe it is a TW5B.


Stepovers are also called line tricks so the back with a stepover is a LB. Off the wake it is a WLB. Off the wake with the toehold it is a TWLB.


Bodyovers are also called ski line tricks. The wake is required so the W is omitted. Thus the back with the body over the rope is called a SLB.


Flips are called either backflips (BFL) or front flips (FFL). If you take off forward and land backward doing a backflip it will be a BFLB. It can be confusing so the computer accepts if you note the start position and the end position in the description (BFLFB) but I find skiers doing this trick are so fast that I don't waste the extra letter.


Not every trick is a turn to back. Turns from back to front are F. Add the appropriate wake W, toehold T, line L, ski line SL or flip (BFL or FFL) in front of the F to describe the trick.


Full rotations are either front to front (O) or back to back (BB - the computer will accept OB but even I'm not old enough to use that label). 1 1/2 rotations are 540 degree turns either ending backwards (5B) or ending forwards (5F) with the obvious additions for toeholds, stepovers, etc. Two rotations are 720 degrees starting and ending backwards (7B) or forwards (7F) (again all the additions apply).


If you actually read all of this and understood it, watch a few videos with me and I'll have given you a clinic! You are on your way to being a judge. Try applying this on the water and you'll be a trick skier! How fun! Come ski with me!



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  • Baller

@eleeski - thanks for that! Makes me actually want to try a trick ski - did I actually say that on BOS???? Wow!


Have actually heard - and others can comment - that tricking can really help you get your weight forward on the front of a slalom ski.

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Oh, and because I'm sure everyone was wondering: Double DOT Product on 4 operands; LoaD Non-aligned Double-Word. These are TI64x assembly instructions (and particularly powerful ones in terms of what they accomplish per processor clock tick).


Hah -- you're never getting those 10 seconds back!

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  • Baller
@eleeski that is exactly what I have been looking for since I pretty much had no idea what those appreviations meant....this coming from a 39 y/o that rode the trick skis for the first time one season ago (which means I can only visualize 70% of what you wrote). I second the motion for video accompanyment with the descriptions. Want to see this so-called coolest trick ever.
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