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Ho Freeride vs Radar Satori


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Hi all new to site I have been looking at the Freeride and satori and think they may be the perfect ski for me. has anyone tried both and can tell me differences. A little about me I am 47 230 and ski on a HP limited lake usually at around 28 MPH Dont ski courses even though I always wanted to. Just like to have fun carve turns and try to though up a wall of spray. Also like to wake board kneeboard and even have tried wake skating with kids who would also like this ski with its similarities to a wake board. Any info would be great
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I think the Satori is more of a freestyle - wake jump - crossover to a wake board kind of ski.

The Freeride is more about more of a carving - ski cruse the lake kind of ski.


I am going to ride the Freeride this weekend. I will let you know

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Just picked up the HO Freeride today but can't get on the water until tuesday. Can't wait, it will be a long weekend and a monday but first thing tuesday morning. This sounds like the perfect ski for me as most of time is spent bombing big turns on my radar theory now.
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I haven't tried the freeride so I can't help you there but I can tell you that on the Satori my wife ventured onto the course for the first time ever and crushed the novice buoys at 21.5 mph. The satori has very low resistance so it's easy to ride- it's kind of fun to ski for 20 minutes without stopping. That's probably true of the freeride also.
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  • Baller

I skied the Satori this weekend. I usually ski an 09 (I think) Theory. I never ski the course, public lakes, etc. I love cutting it up, but water conditions can be pretty crappy. I have ever had trouble getting up behind my I/O, but the Satori was ridiculous easy together up--it could replace combo skis if your guest was willing. Super easy to cruise and turn. No tunnel, so it is really fast--very easy to glide up next to the boat. No tunnel also means it doesn't rock a carve quite like the Theory. We slowed to down and trimmed the motor to make a large wake. I was cutting hard into the wake and getting some serious air. Felt like wake boarding on a ski.


I'm interested in trying the Freeride, as I'm going to buy something. Any more thoughts on the HO?

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I have now skiied both these skis. I'm 250 lbs and have skiied on the largest version of both skis on a boat with max speeds of about 26 mph. I like them both. They both get out of the water easily and are relatively easy on the arms. Both seem like they could be fun for jumping the wake and messing around.


I like the feel of the Satori. It is very easy and fun to ski. It tuns by weighting the ski and bending the ski to give you the edge you need to cut. This is a fun feel but quite different than a traditional slalom ski. I felt like it could not cut as hard with this ski. This ski was somewhat easier on the arms if your looking to ski forever.


The 2014 Freeride skis more like a traditional ski but still can handle slower speeds. It feel like I need 24 mph for it to be a good cutter. It cuts better than the Satori (in my humble opinion). It is also fun to ski. It is stable going straight. It cuts well but I still slip out the tail when I cut really hard. This, however, may be a technique problem.





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