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Fin Tuning for the Ski.....or Skier?


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  • Baller

I've talked with several people recently who have their "own" fin settings.....and they take them with them wherever they go. Regardless of what ski they are on, they set the fin to the same numbers every time.


We all see the factory suggested settings for the ski, but are they the best for the individual skier?


I'm coming off an old A1 that I have loved and become quite comfortable with. Unfortunately, I think she's a good ways past her prime. I've been trying several new skis recently. However, during these demos, I really don't have enough time to really get a ski dialed in.


So would I be better off starting with MY fin numbers that ive dialed in over several seasons.......as opposed to the factory suggested settings? Or will the same fin dimensions yield wildly different results from ski to ski?

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  • Baller
Start with the factory settings and work from there. My experience is that if the ski is right for me I will know it with in a week. Most of the time with in 2-3 rides. My experience is that Fin settings are much less critical on a great ski. I use very close to factory settings. If the ski is less than ideal I will drive myself crazy trying to get it right. My experience over the last 15 years has been the right ski will allow me to ski within my PB with in the 1st 3 sets. The wrong ski will waste my time, and has always been just that, a waste of my time.
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I'm a bit outdated, however, I do recall two different manufacturers produced a slalom ski with identical numbers except for the tail. L = 6.872 - D= 2.449 - T = .690

I think the Fischer had a .688 tail and the other ski was a Goode. Don't know if any others skis

out there come close to the Fischer and Goode back in the day but would not be surprised to learn there are more than just a few.

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  • Baller

There seems to be some consistency among all skis....within a range. For example, if you set your fin at 6.900 length, 2.500 depth, and .750 dft.....you'll be relatively close to the majority of the manufacturers suggested settings. Of course, "relatively close" is a very subjective term.



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  • Baller
I always ran my Goode skis a little deeper and longer with bigger DFT, than stock. I think every skier will have their own binding and fin setup that works for them, and will be different from ski to ski. If not, wouldn't skis come with a fixed fin?
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