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  • Baller

Went skiing yesterday (we are doing some maintenance at our lake, so skiing in another). When I got home late at night, opened the trunk to get the gear out, my beloved Quest was not there!!!! Difficult to explain the feeling...


Left it on the dock. Fortunately, it is still there. Good excuse to do a set today to pick it up, but man, forgetting my ski...

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  • Baller_
My ski partner forgot to bring his ski to the lake once. Luckily, he was able to fit his slightly larger feet into my bindings and use my ski. At the time, we both used the same brand of ski and binding, so he was familiar with the handling/design. It wasn't the correct size or flex for him, but he easily ran passes that I can't, which only punctuated the fact that I am the problem (not the ski).

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Forgot it was ski season once......Ate sh#t over the jump,hit head hard,climbed in over the gunnel of the boat(didn't use swim step) then asked friends "Why are we at the lake,isn't it snow ski season" it was middle of summer.This was #4 of 7 concussions,now I forget almost everything.
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  • Baller_

1) Dove 40mn to a lake. But just before I left, gotta phone call from a friend and talked my way onto the car and on the road. All ski gear left on the garage floor.


2) MANY yrs ago when skies and boots were all black with minimal color, we (girlfriend and I) skied till sunset. Sat in the boat, enjoyed the sunset and headed for the boat ramp. Totally forgot ski on the back platform. Realized before puting boat on trailer. Next 2 hrs spent with flood light and a grid pattern boat paths to no avail. New ski was on the way the next week. Where we're all the Strada, Prophacy, A3 neon colors back then?

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  • Baller
Back in late high school & college I had a Jet ski as my pull. Mid-way through college I got my first set of gloves ever, drove about 40 min to the lake, had a decent run and take my gloves off when I get back on the Jet ski. I just them down on the "running boards", was talking to my buddy and totally forgot about them until a couple days later....so I drove back out the lake and I was lucky enough to find them blown up on the shore along that only area that had public access. I was pretty happy that day.
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  • Baller
Recently anchored the boat to adjust 55's because of high water. Made the adjustment. Momentarily distracted by something. Got in the boat and throttled hard away only to see a 15lb anchor in the mirror coming at my head shortly afterward. Luckily no injury or damage to boat but it just missed to the right side. Quickly stopped and retrieved anchor. Embarrassing, and could have been deadly!! I do not recommend using the nylon rope with plastic core. Too stretchy. Did I mention I washed my trunks?
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  • Baller
Helped my bud wipe his boat down at the launch jumped in my truck and took off left my gear on the ground where i was parked. realized it came back 15 minutes later all gone!! goode ski, drysuit, vest, two handles, 3 pair of gloves, and the ski bag! Never to be seen again! Saw a guy run over his anchor rope one time wrapped the rope around the prop shaft and gassed it the anchor came flying out of the water and went right through the side of his new boat!
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  • Baller
Got out of the truck in the parking lot of the ramp with the motor idling and left the trans in Drive. Usually I set the brake if I get out but didn't do it that day for whatever reason. Started walking back toward the trailer and noticed the rig pulling away from me, headed straight towards a dumpster. I was surprised at how hard of time I had with just that little bit of a head start that it got on me. Catching up to it was pretty easy, but being able to stay caught up to it while opening the door and getting in was a lot harder than I thought, especially since it kept gathering more speed. In another ten feet I wouldn't have been able to get in.
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  • Baller
Leaving your hitch at home and getting to the lake - only to realize that there is no way you can tow your boat to the ramp without a hitch. Hasn't happened to me . . . . yet, and hope it never does. Perhaps a spare is needed at the ski lake!
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@ral glad your Quest waited for you and you have an excuse for another set! ;)


I guess with time we'll eventually see everything.


I once pulled my friend / long time coach (30 years + skiing), for a quick set before everyone showed up at his lake. Basically the guy is a machine.


He says he's ready, I hit it, he wooobbles, stands up, wobble-shaky-wobblewobble crash.


Come around him he says "Man I'm sleepy today, can't feel my ski!, sorry buddy!"


Sure no problem.


"Hit it!"


Gets up, wobblewobblewobble shaky shaky shaky CRASH


Same thing, he's all "I'm sorry man, I don't know what's wrong with me"


Third try, same thing, guy was about to go into depression....


Turns out he had his big'ol wooden ski fin protector still on his ski....


I obviously couldn't see it as the back of his ski was deep in water when i came around, and he couldn't see it as it was underneath / behind him....


I don't think we will ever stop making fun of him for that.

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  • Baller_
I bought my first brand new truck, a 1996 Chevy Tahoe, and my first brand new boat within 6 months of each other. I specifically ordered 4-wheel drive because I knew I would be launching the boat from unpaved access locations on occasion. For my very first unpaved launch, I was nervous and wanted to be careful. I selected 4 wheel drive low because I didn't know that 4 high is plenty for all but the most ridiculous traction needs. I was careful to put the transmission in park so I wouldn't have the truck roll in, as has happened to others. I even put on the emergency brake. The boat launched fine. However, I experienced a lot of difficulty pulling the empty trailer out. The truck shuddered and labored and seemed to require every ounce of horsepower to pull it up a relatively small incline on hard-packed sand/gravel. I remember thinking that there was no way I would be able to pull the boat out if it was so hard to pull out the empty trailer. And, the truck had been named "Truck of the Year". I was actually cursing that title as I struggled (my exact thought was "Truck of the Year, my ass"). Then, I noticed the parking brake was still on. It tows much easier with that off. And, once I became more experienced with the truck. I haven't needed or used 4 wheel drive low since. By the way, I still have the truck, drive it everyday and tow the boat 100 miles one-way a couple times a week - all with 235,000 miles. So, I guess it really was "Truck of the Year".

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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