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My First Video


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Hi ballers, I'm looking for some pointers on what to focus on over the Oz winter. I'm only skiing a set a week at the moment so thought it would be a good time to work on some fundamentals. It’s the first time I've ever recorded a pass and had no idea until now just how much I ski on my back foot, particularly on my off-side.


First video is 30mph 15off, second is 32mph 15off. Appreciate all your help.



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I guess reach is a consequence of casting the ski out wider. Really struggling to lead with the hips, I tried the straight back leg which was mentioned in another thread and had an OTF just pulling out for the gates! Very embarrassing.
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Try starting with a wider pull out. If you start narrow, it's hard to get wider as you go. On the 246 turns, try to initiate the turn with your thighs (hips & knees will follow) and ski yourself back to the handle. Trying to turn by reaching to the rope is costing you angle. Your not as far back as you might think, work on ankle flex to pull your hips forward. Also, flexing your glutes (or your flute, always flex that if you get the chance) will pull the hips forward a bit. Just be careful no to pull your shoulder forward to try to fix the attitude your ski is at. Overall, very nice skiing.
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I'm a rookie at skiing too. But from what I see it looks like you are skiing quite well. You definitely have the ability to get that 32 mph and beyond.


From what I can tell is you have a few great turns/pulls followed by one that throws the rest of your pass off. At 30 mph you can scramble back and make up for those mistakes, but at the faster speeds its more difficult to play catch up.


Again I'm no expert, but it looks like you are a bit tail heavy thru the finish of your turn. Notice how the tip of the ski comes up as you finish your turn. Its a bit hard to tell, but it also looks like your front leg straightens out as you round the buoy causing a tail heavy turn. Your 4 ball at 30 mph looked the most fluid. I'd keep working on skiing 30 mph and using the whole ski to make that turn.



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  • Baller
You look really solid in those videos. you have a good strong foundation know you just need to build on it. I am finding the key to my skiing success is getting all the work done by the centerline of the wake. If i can get a good connection on the line at the end of my turn and create good acceleration while staying light on the line which creats a nice glide after the 2nd wake my skiing gets easier and my confidence goes up. Mostly go out and have fun and remember you can only work on 1 or 2 things at a time. Dont over analyze this thing or you will get frustrated. Oh yeah if you get stuck on a certain pass slow the boat down until you run the pass. It all starts with a good gate and solid 1 ball. If we dont have a good start it is hard to run the pass. Hope i didnt confuse you with any of this and hope it helps. JMO
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@madcityskier - I was recently told to ski as if I was pinching a coin between my arse cheeks. I guess 'flexing your glutes' is the tactful equivalent.


@Joeprunc - yeah was running in 36mph two months ago but going through a bit of a rut due to lack of time on the water now it's winter. You're right about the front leg, I keep doing it when I think about standing tall.


@KcSwerver - I always let go with one hand but if I'm wide and early at 15off I don't reach since it would only give me slack. Should probably get into the habit of getting the ski wider than it needs to be to use up the extra line length.


Cheers for the advice all.

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@markchilcutt I've never really understood 'light on the line'. When I come out of a turn with good angle I always feel vulnerable to the handle pinging out of my hands (happened twice at the weekend). It's the same thing when I hit the wash, the extra load is just too much at times. If I survive it then I'm crazy early. For you is it a matter of strength or body position?
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  • Baller
@Moggie light on the line might be harder to achieve at slower speeds for you due to a lot of ski in the water? As you speed up you should be able to feel this (light on the line). to answer your question correct body position is the key to this technique. This doesnt mean release the handle to the boat either. With a correct stacked body position, proper ski size and set up you will be amazed at what can happen from finish of turn to centerline. But remember it all starts with your width and gate set up. If we dont have a good gate and get down course at 1 ball we will struggle to ever run a efficent pass. The cool thing about this sport is we never ever graduate from it!! There is always more to be revealed and that is what keeps us coming back for more. Enjoy the journey
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