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Time for another ski lesson!


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I started skiing last year at the age of 41 on a 20+ year old HO ski. After skiing a few times and feeling pretty frustrated about my form behind the boat, I decided to go get some coaching. So, I went to Dallas Ft. Worth Ski School in Geenville TX for a day of coaching. I was pretty nervous not really knowing what I was in for. So, off I went to this intriguing adventure. When I got to the property I saw this small private lake out in the middle of no where and thought this going to be interesting. I was use to skiing on a public lake behind a Cobalt IO. Keep in mind, Ive never even seen a slalom course much less a private ski lake. So, the owner Alan, walks up and said you ready to ski? I was like sure... So, I gear up, grab my old HO and jump in this pretty blue water, the whole time thinking how and why is this water blue.. Haha" dye". So, he pulls up in his SN tow boat almost at the end of the lake and I'm thinking does he have enough room to pull me up and turn around. he snatches me up and turns around heading down the lake and I'm thinking what just happened.. I'm use to getting drowned and dragged behind my Cobalt.. I start trying my best to stay stacked and cross the wake a few times as he watches me in his rear view mirror.. So, the lesson begins.... I learned a lot that day about body position, where I should be looking, and aspects of the slalom course.. I went away with my head spinning and really determined to be a better skier. Fast forward to this summer, I've been able to ski a lot more and get more comfortable with my balance behind the boat. Bought a new Radar Senate ski which I really like. I've decided to go back for another one day lesson next Saturday to really work on my stacked position and rhythm while crossing he wake.. And, did I mention I really enjoyed skiing behind that SN with that really soft small wake! The Cobalt is going up for sale soon!!! I hope to take some video or at least some action shots. I'll report back on my next ski lesson experience...
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  • Baller
Alan Hendricks is a great coach! Probably the most under-rated coach out there. I have spent more than a few sessions with him in Greenville. He can take you as far as you would like to go. Ask Tom Brantley!
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Just got home from my ski lesson at Alan Hendricks place outside of Dallas. Tom Brantley coached me today, he is a great guy and had me carving across the wake in no time! I also got the opportunity to

ride in the boat while he skied. Started at -32 off and skied through to 39 off. I've never seen a Pro ski before so it was freaking amazing!!! I tried to take pictures with my high speed Cannon but could not keep up with him as he crossed back and forth across the wake... Guy is a beast! Awesome day!! Feel like my form improved and came away with 3 tips I will continue to use in my skiing. 1. Front knee and ankle flexed so when you look down you can't see your toes, 2nd. Arms straight and handle close to hips, and 3rd. As I cross the wake lean away from pull of boat.. Not just lean back..

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  • Baller
Thanks for posting I get so excited teaching others and seeing new people get excited about an skiing. Amazing sport for all ages and now in my 40s find it as the motivation to stay fit and strong year round. It is like golf so enjoy the experience and surrounding and you can never go wrong!
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