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Mapple skis


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  • Baller
Finally skiing again after a month off and back on my M6. Just put my first two -38 passes on it and it felt awesome! I needed to make a couple of very minor adjustments (took a degree off of the wing, moved the bindings closer together). Since then it has been skiing great! Can't wait to get a full season on the ski next summer!
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  • Baller_

Bink, I started on the 67 (about half a dozen sets) and went to the 66. Only 3 sets so far, but loving it. I'll post a review when I get more time on it.


The 6.1 is really wide. I think the 66 would be ok for anyone up to around 210 lbs. You would be on the edge and may like the 67.


BTW, here is a great deal on a 66 3/4" Nano1:)



If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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Thanks for the info.

We had a 66 6.1 at deans for about a week.

I suspected before I tried it that it was too small for me(215lbs).

The first time I tried it I ran a this seasons practice pb(3.5@39).

It didn't feel to small at all.

The next set I used my 66.75 nano one and I ran another season practice pb(4).

I tried the 6.1 the next day on the last set and I skied a fatigued set.

I let the ski down on that set.Itdid feel too small that set but it was a skier problem and not a ski problem.

I think the Mapple folks have a very nice ski!

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  • Baller

Maybe this should be a new thread about the 6.1. If so someone can move my comments.


Background. I spent most of the summer on a 66" A3. REALLY liked it. 15 tournament rides, 13 of them between 3 and 5 ball at 39. Now I probably should have run several those except for problems between my ears, but I did not. Super consistent on the ski though and it did not wear me down physically at all like the N1.


I got a 6.1 in the mail the Thursday after Nats. To tell the truth it did not "Wow" me the first few sets with how it felt, but I kept ending up deep into 39 even though it didn't feel like I was skiing that great. I only had 6 sets on it before going to the Cedar Ridge Record this weekend. My wife had gotten on my A3 and was liking it, so I decided to ride the 6.1. (Better a happy wife than to ski well?)


Saturday morning, set #7, in a record, 2@41. Missed 38 round 2 due to a bad gate (not used to speed in glide). Round 3, back into 41 with 1/2. Played with the fin a bit on Sunday plus was tired as I don't typically ski 6 rides in a weekend. Couple of 4's and a 1/5@39. (But it wasn't the skis fault.)


Now I am not saying it's the best ski ever, but it sure a heck works. As I said I didn't run 39 in tournament this summer and only ran it once last year on my old 9900. I am still trying to figure out how to describe the way it skis. If you are considering trying it go ahead and pull the trigger.

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  • Baller
Great skiing! I am on the 6.0 and at 190lbs I am on the 68.5 inch ski. @BruceButterfield, the 6.1 must be a lot wider! I'd say the same thing about the 6.0 as @MrJones is saying about his 6.1. I never feel like the ski is radical, super fast or that it really cranks the turns. It just feels like I don't use any energy at all to ski on it. I had a month off of skiing because of Dad's passing. Got on it again and the first set ran 1 at 39. Hadn't run a -38 all year. Been skiing for about two weeks now. Saturday ran -38 and almost ran two back to back except for a small mistake on my part. Today I went out my second practice set at -38. I had scores of 5, 4, 5 and run. Funny thing is unlike last year, I wasn't winded and didn't feel beat up even though I made plenty of mistakes. I'm learning to just "stick with it" on this ski and it will get me to the next ball in time to make something happen.
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  • Baller

Honestly, the Mapple was the only new ski that I had the itch to try. Watching Jerry Goodson at Regionals and Nats, as well as Andy got me interested. Otherwise I was happy with the A3 a figured the NXT would still hurt my back.


I did ride a 66.75" 6.0 for about 5 sets in May. I am 6'1" and 175#. It created super width, but I couldn't turn it well at all. I think the 6.1 being a bit smaller and with the narrow tail turns much better especially toe side.


Trent watched my second set on the 6.1 with stock numbers and suggested going back 1/8". Over the next couple of sets and texting him what I felt he suggested going back with the fin a bit which I did. Interestingly this is exactly what Jerry told me had done with his. (Thanks to both of those guys btw)


I am at 29 1/8"


6.825 (tips)


8 deg.


I might try a bit farther back with the fin and/or 9 deg, but in truth I really just need to ride it more and get more comfortable on it.

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  • Baller
I am guessing that is Andy's lake in Orlando. Show up, demo a ski, have Andy coach you and set it up on the spot. Pretty good deal. If it works out that I stay on the ski I will do my best to get down there for a day in the spring to get his input on it.
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  • Baller
rather then just show up you should call katie 407-412-5971 or email her at info@mappleskis.com and make an appointment in advance to be sure andy will be there to demo you and tweek the fin to suit your skiing style. dont take a chance on showing up unannounced and missing one on one with andy if hes not there for some reason.
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  • Baller_

Razor, when I put the scale to the width of the 67" Mapple 6.1 compared to my old Brand X ski of the same length, my thought was "Holy crap! this thing is wide". Andy told me it had extra width, but I wasn't expecting that much of a difference. Before I rode it, I was fully expecting to return it for a 66 after the first set. Even with the huge surface area, it turned great and was controllable.


I only have 5 sets on the 66", but right off the bat it is the most stable and controllable ski I have ever been on. On top of that, it creates space better than the Elite. I feel like I just need to adjust and focus on technique and this ski will go far. I haven't been this impressed with a ski in a long time.


Another interesting point - I made several fin and binding adjustments on the 67 before I got the 66. Each adjustment made the ski change exactly as I would have expected. That is the ski is very predictable, as opposed to others where its a crap shoot when you make an adjustment.


Mr. Jones' scores don't surprise me. He's just a kid with an old man's back! He only needed the right ski to up his consistency.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

I'm on the 6.1, and currently running:


6.826 (tips)





Absolutely love it. Matched my tournament PB last weekend with 2@38, and got a practice PB last Tuesday of 2@39. I might move the fin back just a touch...


Nothing like being on Team Mapple. @mapple has something very special, and I am loving being part of it!

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  • Baller

This is just FYI.

At 29 1/4" I felt bounce into the pre turn toe side. Going back to 29 1/8th cured this. The negative was a feeling of "falling out the back" on heel side turns at times. Moving the fin back gave the tail some lift and leveled the ski off nicely. (Thanks to TFinn for both moves) If anyone feels either of those issues you might give it a try.


The stock length and depth seem to be pretty spot on. I agree with what Bruce mentioned earlier about the ski reacting exactly as expected to fin/binding moves so far.

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  • Baller
@gregy -- BTW, my ski size was picked by AM when I skied with him in April. It was very early season and I had serious knee problems in my left knee. I was coming off of a 68 inch Razor A flex. My old red and blue Sixam, which I also bought direct from AM, was a 69 inch and I thought that skied great as well. I do, at times, ski like a much heavier guy, although I'm trying hard to fix that!
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  • Baller
Just rode the 6.1 at Andy's place. Very stable and forgiving high performance ski. Easy on my jacked up 50 year old back. I'm a 34 mph guy who has never ran -35. One thing that I experienced today that I never have before is after coming out of a turn in bad position that should have resulted in lean lock and or a nasty out the front ,neither one happened and I was able to come up out of the overloaded position and finish my pass as if nothing went wrong Are you guys experiencing this ease of getting back into the pass with this ski? Second ride tomorrow. Can't wait !
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  • Baller

@Razorskier1 I email AM and he suggested the 66.75" I was on a 68" x7 before and had no problems turning it. My ball count has been down this summer, probably due to lack of ski time, but I've had some beautiful pass with very little effort. Only complaints is I've had some problems getting my gates right and I'm having a hard time in rough water (winds been terrible this year in Texas).


@ed_johnson I pulled out 6 ball a few times easily that I would have never gotten before.

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  • Baller

I agree with Ed and Greg.

The 6.0 I rode in May generated great width, but if I got off track I could not make the big turn and get back in the pass. It may have just been a size issue, but I can definitely get back in it on the 6.1. Conversely the 6.1 is not as "carvey" or smooth on my longer ropes unless I controll the handle/load well. I think it is a good trade as it's not about running your opener pretty. Goodson actually makes it look super smooth so I belive it is just an issue of me getting more sets under my belt.


The gates have been a bit different as well. The ski rides fast and high and I need to make sure the pull out is progressive and smooth. I about went past them second round this past weekend. It's a bad feeling to be turning in and see as big dip in the line. :)

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  • Baller
I think the issue is that my body type isn't typical for a guy my weight and height. I think @Mapple figured I could ride a bigger stick effectively. I've finally been on the ski consistently the last two weeks and I'm feeling like it is perfectly sized. The first question @Wish asked me at Andy's site was, "do you have a shock tube at home?". I think he was worried I was going to feed him the handle!
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  • Baller
@MrJones I'm not skiing near as shortline as you and Razor but I found that the 6.0 will make tighter turns if needed but it doesn't make pivoting type turns. They're more of a radius turn. I am however able to make up a lot of space making a normal turn and get on it across course. Quick pivoting turns usually cause me to brake at the waist anyway.
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  • Baller
@gregy....It all depends on your speed at the ball..If your speed is slow at the apex, you are free of the boat, and lead with the hip, for a low center of gravity, the M6 will turn on a dime...Especially at 35 and shorter, where it is more advantageous to ski angles and not ride arcs around the ball.
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  • Baller_
@Razorskier1 plan to join them if their good with it. Sounds like they are. Not to far at all from me. What I'd really like to do is join you all at SkiWatch. The lagistics of lodging and all it a bit of a conundrum though. Have to say the 6.1 is intriguing. Gonna have to give that a whirl this winter.
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