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Fin Settings Obrien Endo 68


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  • Baller

Even with the same make and model jaw measurements cannot be shared, why?-

the surface used when making jaw measurements were never intended to be used for measuring purposes, therefore the manufacturer of the caliper never precision machines that area of the caliper.

There seems to be a misconception that if you buy an expensive caliper it would work but since the jaw area is not for measurement, it won´t.

Now, the later versions of slot calipers are ment to resolve that by actually have that area of the caliper precision machined but several posters on here claims even these calipers differs grossly on jaw measurements due to different dimensions of overall shape of caliper head.

Want to share LOF? tip measurement is the only way unless you want to ship your own caliper along with the numbers.

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  • Baller
@SkiJay well the two of us have different calipers and get the same #'s with them...you know his old dial caliper and mine is a Mitutoyo digital...not like tips is accurate either, that has a variance based on the operators...I get that the perception is tips is best, just like everyone gets the same DFT tail measurement...
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  • Baller
Tips is best when laying the caliper on the ski bottom and making sure it is not further past the tip on either end of the fin. I agree about the jaws variance though. Have seen .011 difference between two calipers that I owned.
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  • Baller
trying out a 65.5 Endo...O'Brien website has the following #'s:L=6.725; D=2.505; DFT=0.720; Boots 28.75'...would anyone confirm if these are correct? I cannot even get to the L=6.730 (using tips) unless I modify the fin...it bumps up against the holding screws. Any suggestions or different numbers? Thank you
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