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Getting your weight forward on the ski


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  • Baller
I have been working on 32 now for quite some time. I always feel like I am coming in to 1 ball super fast and cant slow down. I got some video of myself and one of my coaches told me that my weight is to far back on the ski, in turn not enough ski is in the water to slow down thus the speed into 1 ball. I practiced a few sets and needless to say this is a difficult thing to correct. Any tips on this? My bindings are all the way forward of standard holes (not sure about the number)
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  • Baller
Definitely measure the back of the boot to the back of the ski. I'm no expert but binding movements seem very counter intuitive to me. I found that moving my bindings forward to get more weight forward made me uncontrollably ride on the tail of the ski. I only rode a set like that so maybe I didn't give it enough time but I just couldn't do anything comfortably.
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  • Baller

solution to fix your problem some what depends on which foot you have in front but either way move the boots back to factory recomended first before messing with the fin. 2nd instead of trying to slow down you should work on how to engage your tip and make your speed work for you instead of against you. read this


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  • Baller
@waternut is not crazy. As with fin adjustments, try to figure out the Why: are you staying so far back because you bindings are too far forward, and you will face plant if you stand in the middle of the ski?Or maybe your fin is super long? Need numbers, though, if you are asking for help (tail-to-heal distance, ski brand/length, fin numbers, wing degrees...)
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  • Baller
@Ilivetoski.......It may not be bindings...The best way to control your speed at 1 ball is to control your speed through the gates...Make sure your pullout puts you wide, with an easy turn in to set your angle, then Guard that angle with just enough leverage to sustain it..If you keep pulling for more, you will just build up excess speed, that you won't get rid of, and end up fast at one.
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  • Baller
Are your fin and bindings set to the stock positions?that is a good starting point. Do a search on your ski and see what people are running. Once you know that your ski is close,start working on your form. Post up your video. If you are running 28's easily ,32's aren't much different.maybe you just need an earlier edge change? Good luck.
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