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Looking for love... well, actually skis


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  • Baller
I've got two women's skiers on the University of Iowa Waterski Team that are looking to get their first skis. Since they are new to the sport they don't exactly need a Radar Vapor or anything like that so I was wondering if anyone had any older skis collecting dust that they may be interested in selling. We're looking for 66" skis with a wider body like the O'brien Sixam 2.0. If you have anything that fits the bill that you are willing to part with let me know either by commenting on this post, or emailing me (mjr660683@gmail.com).
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  • Baller

@denoski, I've never skied a Strada, is it the right kind of ski for a skier who will be spending the majority of their time between 26 and 32 mph for the near future?

@rico and @chef23, both of those skis look like they are what I was hoping to find so let me talk to the ladies and try to get back to you later today. Thanks for the help and the quick response to the post.

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  • Baller

the 65 sixam is a great ski and served me well until I moved into 36 where it wouldn't stay in the water through the turns and would be a great ski for either of these two but I would like to see that one stay in the family a little bit because it's such a great ski. I have been looking around a little bit for one of those since it was such a good ski for me and it looks like while it is no longer in production that O'brien is making a new ski that uses the same shape but with a few tweaks I guess. Not sure what they changed really but it could also be an option.


As for the 68" Nomad I'm thinking that might be a little too much ski for either of these ladies to handle at their skill levels especially since I'm a little on the small side for a 68" Razor and I'm not exactly a little guy. If I were to guess I'd say that neither of them have feet as big as yours or mine Dave.



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