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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy on Knees & Elbows


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I'm going for PRP injections mid October. The inside of both knees is where my problem is and I assume where the needle will go.


I asked about needle pain and if I needed anyone to drive me, and was told that was a personal decision but probably not necessary as most patients are fine to drive. But, I've read in threads here that there's a lot of needle pain and swelling for a couple of weeks after...but my doc wouldn't confirm that as everyone is different.


I can have both knees done once a month for three months or test it out on the one that hurts most. Which would you suggest... One or two at a time?


And what about the needle pain and after effects? Thanks for your expertise.


Finally, I have ITP which is a low platelet problem, but the doc didn't think that would be a problem. Also on Coumadin to thin my blood and he said I'd probably have to stop those pills for 4-5 days before the procedure and start up again right after.


I'm a mess! :(

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  • Baller

@Adman If by "the inside of both knees" you mean the medial collateral ligaments, then relatively no prob with the needles or pain or swelling. If by "inside" you mean behind the knee cap, that's where there can be significant discomfort for people with not much space there. I've had both procedures.


I'm also one of the unlucky ones with not much space behind my knee caps. Just the volume of liquid injected into this space is the source of most of the discomfort—and it can hurt quite a bit for a few days. I had PRP injections behind both kneecaps at the same time, and while it was really sore, I could still drive myself home with a standard transmission.

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SkiJay...I don't know the terminology you mentioned. The doc showed me X-rays of both knees straight on and said I had 40% of my cartilege on the inside of my right knee and 50% on the inside if my left knee. I assume that's where he would inject PRP. Does that help?
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  • Baller_
As a veterinarian I remain skeptical still waiting for some real world clinical studies showing 6 month out past 12 months results - and not just how the patient feels - I want to see some before & after xrays and joint fluid analysis. Also, when talking about donor fluids/cells vs my own, I get a bit concerned about viral & bacterial screening.
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