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15 off Ski Selection


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  • Baller

I have been participating in BOS biggest loser. Currently 6'5" 225# (and still losing) 49 year old. PB 15 off @ 29. My gates suck. Currently on a 2013 71" Triumph. Older weight I needed the 71". Now I can move to a 69". I don't have demos readily available. Should I go with a 69 TX the new Triumph or is a Senate or a Connelly V an option? Any other ideas on viable options? I can buy what ever ski I want. I am more interested in progression and not wasting time on a stick that I should not be on. (the whole under 30 on a 34 mph ski) Or should I stay on what I have until I get to 32?


We currently ski on public lake with portable course about once a week. I get instruction once or twice a year. Free ski as well. Curious what people who know think. Most of you guys have forgot more about skiing than I know and I would appreciate your input.

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  • Baller

I would say go with the Senate Graphite (since money is not a problem). That ski is very forgiving and stable yet will also rip turns, handle speed and create space before the ball. I'm well over 200 and no problem getting up on a 68 Vapor and Senate has more surface. As you are tall (more leverage, power) and on the heavy end of this ski the Graphite is the one. Won't stick like softer skis, is snappier and you have the size and weight for it (little guys have no idea).

Better yet, get one at Perf Ski n Sport in Orlando and take a lesson with Rini, or LaPoints, or Cox, or... lots of great Pro's right there. They will dial it in for you and get you on the right path with your new ride. And if it doesn't work (highly unlikely) Perf Ski will hook you up with the ski that will.

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  • Baller

@mbabiash‌, well, that is a strange stat, if you are getting 4 at 22 8 out of 10 you should be running 55 more than 5/10, and should be running 22 in some occasions, but then long line is sometimes tricky.


I would say a Senate would help you to get 10/10 55's.


Not trying to steer away from the topic, but the the decision would depend on


1) Age, and how has been your progression over the last few months/years (or weeks...)


2) What is a usual training pattern. It is different to


run 1-2x32 and pass all of them, 3-4x34 and get half of them and then 1-2x22 off (which should be kind of an expected training session)




run 1-2x32 depending on if you get the first one or not, 1-2x34 and 3-4x22 (which would be a going for it pattern...)

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  • Baller
37 years old. I've been stuck at trying to run 34 for two seasons now. I would typically run 32 2-3x. 30 was too slow. Then I try 34 2-3x until I run it or stop the set. If I run it, 50% of the time. I try 22 and usually get 3-4 buoys every time. Zero off B3
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  • Baller
My brother (203lbs) is on a 69 non-carbon senate (sometimes running -15/32mph), and while it has a lot of great characteristics, he does complain that it feels like a bit of a log. Which is to say, I'd encourage anyone considering the Senate to shell out for the carbon version ("Senate C").
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