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Radar Vapor or Mapple 6.1 advice please!


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  • Baller

Looks like I have a wee windfall coming my way and thinking of changing my ski - I'm currently on a big S2. I'm about 200lb skiing 34mph and aiming to take down 38. This years mantra is "more power" - I'm working on wide and early and as much water speed as I can get, no more " light in the line" no siree, every connection from here on in is givin it all I've got.

I really like the look of both these skis (in 68 models) anyone any rational idea of which may be an improvement on the S2.(right now I'm being drawn to green but only because I've had a black ski before! - there has to be a better argument) If you reckon I have the best stick already then happy to hear that too; I'll buy a new kite or bike :)

Thanks for any comments!

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  • Baller_
Currently on an S2 and rode the Mapple. VERY differant skies. Try before you buy if you can. Performance may be able to help there as they carry Mapple skis and the Vapor. I think they do tails but not sure.
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  • Baller

Thanks - @horton , I am actually 15.5 stone but understand that in "American" a stone may be a reference to testicles and not a unit of weight - not wanting to confuse I guessed at 200lbs, a bit of mental maths actually puts me at 217 ( before adding all my cold water kit - it's always cold) - so I guess back in the 68' category.

Being on this side of the pond also limits the try before you buy - @wish what did you experience that was so different?


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  • Baller

I have not ridden a Vapor, and I don't plan to. I have been on Andy's last 3 skis, and am now on the 6.1. I'm certain that the Vapor is a fine ski, but the treatment I have gotten from Andy over these past 2 years has made me a Mapple skier as long as he will have me. Obviously, I still need to like the skis. I don't like them, I love them. I'm just a middle aged hack chasing buoys, and I'm catching more on my 6.1. 2-1/2 years ago, I ran my first 35 off. Yesterday, I didn't miss 35, and choked at 38 at 5... 38 will go down in a tourney this year.


So, I'd say just call Andy. :)

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