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What do you guys think is the best ski school


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  • Baller
@Ilivetoski‌ , do,you want to go to a "school" or do you want someone to help your skiing? Not that you can't get both, but do you want the "school" atmosphere? If not, I'd recommend Chet.
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@llivetoski, had a really good lesson with c.p. friday. I would recommend him also. He is a pretty aggressive, yet positive coach, and emphasized doing your work behind the boat early, and a little earlier edge change to try and back side the buoys. He got me a new p.b. Lots of fun. Good luck.
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  • Baller

Of those 3 I've been to bennetts and want to go to Coble. Bennetts is cool, but I didn't really progress at all while I was there, could be that I was in a large group - but it was like the boat crew barely paused between sets, they were trying to turn the sets over so fast you barely had time to get your gloves restrapped.


I always thought it'd be cool to ski at H2Oz

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  • Baller
Ive been to swiss before it was sold and after clint took over. its a great site, great coaching. but we also love it because 5 of us can go and rent a house right on the lake for a week very affordably. Ive also skied with Matt Rini on 3 different occasions. highly recommend his ski school too.
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  • Baller
Guy with a ski school for slalom? Drew Ross, period! Or find a way to get with Trent Finlayson and spend time in South Texas. Best two slalom coaches there are. Neither want to over coach you or over talk. They look at the big picture and how to develop your slalom, not just try and grab two buoys while your there to make you feel good. Slalom improvement takes time and patience so a coach needs to teach that way. There is no new best trick.
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  • Baller

Really depends on what you're looking for. Do you want stay on site? Cook your own food? Go out to meals? Have meals cooked on site? Do you drink at all? Are you looking for luxury accommodations or bunks? How picky are you about food and accommodations in general? How much one-on-one serious coaching do you want, how much do you want to spend, how many sets per day, etc. all factor into where you decide to go. We've been to Swiss once, Cobles once, and Bennetts probably 10X (and many more in the future) FWIW. I've never been to a ski school I didn't like, they are all great in their own ways.


For me I need decent private accommodations, I never want to have to leave the site once I'm there (no schlepping of gear in rental cars or being at certain places at certain times, etc.- I'm on vacation), I want to be able to enjoy adult beverages, I want to ski like crazy, I want my own kitchen and bathroom, and I want the kids to have fun too and be comfortable. I want to feel welcome and at home, too, that's important. I don't want a stuffy atmosphere of any sort. I want decent stores and restaurants somewhat nearby if I do decide to go off campus. Find out what's important to you and we can help steer you to the right school.

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  • Baller
Totally depends on your goal. Slalom only? Adult only? Hard core skiing only? Tied to a vacation? Kids? 3 event? You have to decide what you are after first, narrow it down, then ask people who have been. Lots of good stuff out there.
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  • Baller

@Ilivetoski is a college age kid so my guess is that he is looking more along the lines of somewhere he can go stay on site with meals provided. I have only been to Coble's and Travers' and they are a little different. Coble's is a little more camp oriented with excellent coaches for good skiers but it is very structured. If you let April know what you are working on she will make sure you get the right coaches to help you improve.


Travers' tends to have better more serious skiers there and isn't as structured. You also sign up for more skiing at Travers' which if you only slalom 4 sets a day for 5 days is a lot for even a college aged kid. They are flexible if you want to ski a little less you can work that out. I found the coaching at Travers' to be excellent even if you didn't get Jack, Jon or Natalia.


My son 3 events and he has gotten great coaching at Travers and Coble's. At Coble's my son would like to have 4 sets a day for all 4 days so he can get more work in on all three events. We just came back from Coble's and my son had PBs in slalom, learned new tricks and his jumping looked much improved.


If I was sending a younger child alone the only place (that I have experience with) I would send my kid to alone is Coble's (until they are 14 or 15 then I would send them to Travers also).


I have heard great things about Pickos' place but I don't have any personal experience with Pickos.

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