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Radar boot liners


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  • Baller
My last pair of strada boot liners are worn out. I got a replacement pair from the vapor line. The foot bed insert can either go in the liner or in the shell with velcro to keep it in there. Who wears theirs inside the liner? This way seems the way it is designed but up until now I had velcro'd the footbed insert into the shell as it was easier to mess with if the liner came out.
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  • Baller
When i initially got the boot set up I would crash and both would come out and it was a pain swimming after them then putting it all back together. Then someone suggested putting velcro in the boot shell and you actually feel the inserts through the liners. However, the new liners feel really comfy with the inserts in them! May try it!
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  • Baller
I only use the insole in one boot because it seemed to fit a little looser. I put it inside the liner, against my foot. Was curious if anyone felt (or knows) if insole in shell or insole in liner releases any better than the other? I think the liner I use without an insole goes in the shell just slightly easier. Probably just one of those situations, whatever your preference - both ways work fine.
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  • Baller
I put the insoles in my liners , and cut a .015 " piece of plastic shim stock that I put between the insert and the shell. The shim is the shape of the footbed. The shim protects the liners from getting torn up by the bosses that encase the threaded inserts that attach the shell to the plate.
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I use mine inside the liner, not sure if you are heat molding the liners or not but I molded mine and they fit very comfortable inside the liner.


@Zman if you are talking about releasing in a crash, I have never had a problem with mine, they have released when I needed them too so far.


And just a side note to all, I found that the shell on the inside can sometimes fold over and be folded over more when inserting the liner to the shell, I always do a check to make sure the shell is in the right position.

Hope this helps!

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