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Why we ski.


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  • Baller

I'll probably get a few negative reviews for this one, but here goes anyway.


I actually don't ski because I love skiing. I ski because I love glass. Just like I don't snowmobile and snowski because I love snowmobiling and snowskiing. I love powder.


I could honestly be probaby 90% as happy wakeboarding or wakeskating on glass every day as I could waterskiing on it. Weird Right? I think I'm the exception here on this forum. Without a course, I think I would actually prefer to wakeskate the glass than to waterski it. Fortunately, I have a course, so such is not the case.


There is just something about that glass and powder that satisfies everything I live for. The best part about waterskiing though, is that I can take the whole family while I do it. On a good powder day snowmobiling or snow-skiing, it is a buddies only event. My wife, 5 year old, 1 year old, sister etc. could never come on those days with me so I have to choose between powder and family. Waterskiing doesn't make me choose between glass and family.


I also love that I'm 33 and see skiers at our club that are in their 60's that are way better than me. Hopefully it's something I can get better at as I get older.

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  • Baller

I plan my whole work schedule around skiing. I blatantly tell my bosses I don't travel during the summer unless absolutely necessary.


Along with what has already been said, for me, I love the competition, whether it is with myself, with my ski partner, or trying to climb the ranking list.

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  • Baller

Why do I ski? Because I'm a skier. I've always been a skier. Since I was in diapers, I've been doing towed sports with my family. My family are all skiers. We've all grown up, gotten real jobs, moved away, but when we get together as a family, we ski. All of us. Even my 62 year old mother still gets up on a slalom ski.


With loved ones: Positive endorphin release

Beautiful settings: Positive endorphin release

Adrenaline rush and post-workout pump: Positive endorphin release

Driving cool boat: Positive endorphin release

Seeing your kid sister nail the course for the first time: Positive endorphin release


That fackin' toober coming this way: PURE RAGE!!! lol


They say the family that plays together stays together. For us, that play is water skiing, and I thank heavens daily that my family has that luxury.


That and Christmas shopping is easy. Someone always needs a new pair of ski gloves. :)

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  • Baller
For me it is my passion. I love being out on the water, improving everyday, watching my girls have a safe place to learn and continue the tradition of skiing. It is my time to enjoy what God made for me to be a baller! Oh and fun exercise also!!! The community is great to be around also.
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  • Baller
For me, as for some of the others here as they have said, it is because I get such a charge out of it, and along the way, become completely in that moment, letting go of all else. The focus on the skiing drives all work, worry, etc. from my mind. It is very refreshing.
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  • Baller

I once read an article written by a doctor who speculated that, contrary to popular belief, race car drivers are not addicted to adrenaline. What they are actually addicted to is a rush that comes from the intense electrical storm that explodes through the driver’s neuromuscular system as the subconscious mind, nervous system, and muscles all light up to meet the challenges of extreme performance in a hostile environment.


Water skiing requires extreme performance in a hostile environment. It's a risky, high-speed, complex, three-dimensional, muscle-shredding, mind overloading challenge. It requires extraordinary balance, high energy output, and constant adaptation to an inconsistent, fluid, and windy environment. Nothing else in our lives is nearly so physically challenging. As such, water skiing must cause an electrical thunderstorm of neuromuscular activity—with a dash of adrenaline thrown in for good measure!


Maybe that's why we ski.

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  • Baller

Many reasons:

An obsession for 1 more ball.......and achieving it.

The sound of skiing on glass water.

The sound of the boat motor.

Being on the water.

Laughing at suckers up North that have to take the winters off.

Despite some new friends I have made in water skiing.....most of my friends don't ski, and as bad as I am, it looks like I'm doing something to them. (especially when you catch that big spray picture during the 1 good turn you had all day)

Accomplishing something that most people cant do.




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  • Baller

Certainly there is no such definition - "adrenaline addiction" because there are no adrenaline receptors in our body which are connected to "pleasure system".

Adrenaline is just a hormone of action - "Run or Fight". If we are in danger body produces adrenaline.

Further in biochemical chain adrenaline triggers production of other hormones including cortisol (anti inflammatory and healing agent) and endorphin (pain killer, natural endogenic body opioid). Both are prepared by body to heal body after fight.

If we happily avoid worst scenario, did not hurt ourselves, endorphin remains unused and works like opioid should work - activates pleasure system.

So guys who we call "adrenaline addicts" are in fact "endorphin addicts".


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  • Baller

Post season reflecting got me thinking about this. Beyond great social culture, being outside, having a "hobby" and the addiction of improving...


I think the core reasons I love the ski are the feelings of:


1) Intense acceleration as we blast into the wakes

2) The feeling of being free as we fly from the center-line to the apex and back to the handle

3) The drastic change in direction as we make our carving turns

4) The satisfaction coming from a pass with great rhythm while being ahead of the boat, yet dancing with it at the same time


I am currently digging myself out of a long running slump. Yesterday I finally came off the dock with a few passes I was really proud of and found my self super happy at the end of the lake, mostly because of point 4 above. Because of how that felt, I cant wait to get back to the lake to feel it again. Enter the addiction.

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  • Baller

I agree with all the posts above. The connection between water, power, speed, and the accomplishment of nailing a pass is a real high for me.....



At our club, this is my typical Sat/Sun morning and the real reason why I ski...


Sitting early in the morning, staring at the water, drinking coffee....

Taking all of it in. Beautiful. Then my buddy walks up.


SKI BUDDY: "You going to ski today?"


ME: "Maybe.... check back in 1/2 hour."


Ski BUDDY: 1/2 hour later - "You ready yet or what?"


ME: "I don't know....I stayed up too late at the campfire last night. Not sure I'm up for skiing this morning."


WIFE: "Get out there you P***Y"


Me: Quietly walked away head down like a scolded pup to grab my ski to get out there....



After I skied:


WIFE: So how did that feel?


ME: Awesome! that's just what I needed! Had a PB today!!


WIFE: "You are welcome"


I had never heard that word out of my wife's mouth until that first time she used it to get me to ski. It worked! Haven't missed a set all summer!


MY wife is WHY I SKI!! LOL...


Then off to the campfire later to talk about our skiing with all the great people at our club and have a couple beers of course.....


Here we go again!



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  • Baller

Skiing makes me happy. I can have a rough day at work, go take a ski ride and be happy. I don't know why it makes me happy. I don't care, it works, don't mess it up.


When I am grumpy (which happens now and again) my wife tells me one of two things:.

Typical conversation


Wife: "You're grumpy, go ski"

Me: "Ok, BYE!"


Wife: "You're grumpy, go ski"

Me: "Nobody is around to drive, that's why I'm grumpy"

Wife: "Go ride your bike"

Me: "Ok, BYE!"

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