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5 NCWSA Trick Records set in 1 weekend


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  • Baller

5 pending NCWSA trick records broke this past weekend. These skiers have really stepped up their game once again. There are a number of slalom skiers also in the ranks right now that could take down some records as well. KC Wilson, Freddie Winter come to mind. Regionals are happening across the country over the next two weekends then Nationals coming up. There is still some time this fall for records to be set!


Current records

Dylan Schaffer (ULL) 2014 - 7050pts

Alex Laurentano 2011 - 4930pts


Pending Records

Dylan Schaffer (ULL) -7060

Thibaut Dialland (FSC)-7350

Giannina Bonnemann (ULL)-5120

Erika Lang (Rollins)- 5280

Erika Lang (Rollins)-5580

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  • Baller

Based on the video that I have seen of Thibaut's run, I don't think his record will be approved.

@jlittle is correct that you only have a single pass but you are not limited to the 6 flip rule. Dylan's current record I think had nine flips. Nice to see the trick runs that are getting done now. Fun to watch!!!!

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  • Baller

Does it seem unfair that a non-collegiate world record holding skier (that counts as pro in my book) can compete against collegiate skiers? I mean, Aaron Rodgers couldn't play for the Badgers and skiing is still ncaa.


On the other note, really awesome skiing. Fun to watch for sure.

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  • Baller
@RazorRoss3‌ USAWS/NCWSA does not recognize skiers as "pros". There is no elite ranking in NCWSA. Why discriminate against anyone trying to get a college education. They are skiers who have devoted countless hours to their training. I'm happy they want to be apart of the NCWSA. In what other sport can you say you skied and possibly took down a "pro"?!
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  • Baller
@MattP‌, that's fair enough and I can see your point. Plus let's look at our sport, not like anyone is making real money. Well maybe the ski companies, but not the skiers. I don't personally run into a problem competing against pros in the Midwest, conference slalom champ without even getting into -35, but at the end of the day it would be fun to ski against them.
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  • Baller
@RazorRoss3 Well, she was only in high school when she broke the world record. Now she is in college and meets the requirements to ski on a team. In my book its nothing but good for the sport for skiers at that level to mix with the up and comers. A couple of years ago, KC Wilson started off to college and began to 3-event. At nationals that first year he competed in B3 Jump seeded just over 100 ft in the middle of the pack. That was pretty cool to see the interaction between him and his fellow competitors (including my son) on the starting dock.
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  • Baller
I am not arguing that it isn't cool to compete, watch, and talk with excellent skiers. I'm not arguing that collegiate skiing isn't an amazing opportunity. What I am trying to say is that for team midwest for example, we can't compete with teams that have the KC Wilsons and Erika Langs of the world on them and they limit the degree to which the rest of the nation can move on to higher competition. In the Midwest we have good skiers on many teams but it is one or two for the most part from that we have a large number of show skiers who we teach to 3 event and after that a large number of people who have never skied. What would keep these people in the sport would be advancing to higher level competition and experiencing that aspect. When we have 38 teams (double that of the second largest region and 3-4x the southern region) and only 9 go to nationals in a good year, many of our skiers will never have the opportunity. It seems unfair to me to put a show skier up against people who have won money from competition. I think the sport grows more from bringing new people in and keeping them in than from skiers who already travel the world to ski winning collegiate medals. im not trying to say anything against the great skiers out there, I love to watch them, I love to talk to them. Last year at collegiate regionals Nate Smith showed up as a spectator and I got to chat with him. But average joes shouldn't have to compete against world record holders. I don't know any other collegiate sport where they do.
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  • Baller

Let pro's ski. A college education is worth more than the winnings of cash prize tournaments. Some times the goal is to break even. It ain't pro football. If skiing helps them get to school and get a degree, that's great.

Most collegiate skiers do it for the fun and experiences with their teammates. I know I did. Going to nationals was just a bonus for us. And if 9 of 38 (top 20%+) teams are going, how many more do you want? D2 nationals was put in place for this very reason and seems to make it inclusive enough. Plus, it's pretty cool to be skiing in tournaments where pros and average joes ski together. My take anyway..

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  • Baller
@RaxzorRoss3 I completely understand where you're coming from, but I also agree with what @BK said about the reason behind creating D2 division at nationals. IMO, I think what the Midwest would benefit the most from would be splitting into 2 regions, effectively doubling the opportunity for those teams to participate in nationals. This would eliminate the wildcard teams at nationals by adding a region. It could also cut down on the travel involved in that region for attending tournaments. Just my opinion, and I'm sure I forgot a few details that could change that idea entirely.
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  • Baller

The midwest split idea was brought up last year and I voted in favor but the idea was voted down and an additional wildcard spot added. The nostalgia and sentimental value of the phrase "Team MidWest" kept people from splitting it because I agree that it makes more sense with the rather extreme team volume. You could say top 20% go but in other regions that percent is notably higher. But this is getting far enough off the discussion title that I'm about to give myself an "off topic" of it goes much farther.

Congrats to the great skiers who put up big scores last weekend!

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  • Baller

Will the Washington teams ever come to San Diego? That's travelling all the way across the country (the other direction). Travelling to Regionals is tough enough. Which region should be split? The wild card possibility might make a long trip to Regionals worthwhile. College skiing is a strong spot in our sport. Things seem to be working.


Working well when seeing the great performances. Congratulations to all those skiers and their records. And to the skiers who round out the field.



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