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Where are they Now?


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Jamie Beauchesne

Ty Oppenlander

Thomas Moore, I am sure there are a few others too.


It seems like there were a few big names in skiing that aren't doing it anymore. Did they get hurt, tired of skiing, find better gigs?

Marcus Brown obviously has everything else going on, and has moved into being an ambassador for the sport.


This sport is like joining the mafia you are in it for life, so it makes me wonder if some people leave completely or go behind the scenes.


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  • Baller

T-Mo still lives in the Orlando area and is still skiing has scores into 3@41 for the past 12 months. He skied the Little Mtn. ProAm and the Record in Canton MS among many other this year.


Ty had a injury that was preventing him from skiing but if I remember correctly he was cleared to ski again late this season.


Jamie Beauchesne last I heard was still living in NH and pursuing other activities, rock climbing, mountain biking and skill skiing some. I wonder if the whole Malibu Open record issue got to him. Last time he skied a tournaments was in 2013


Billy Susi is stil living in the Orlando area and skies in tournaments from time to time. An issue arrived few years ago at a pro tournament that prob led him to "retire" from "pro" skiing.


A lot of these guys are growing up and starting families but still manage to ski and stay on the water. All are in their 30's possibly we will se them jump into the M3 ranks or BigDawg here in the coming year or two?


* These are what the "rumor mill" tells me

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@MattP‌ I think work and real life is why we see less of Billy. Crack smoking judges made him mad but did not make him quit skiing.
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  • Baller_

Thomas skied Cory's tournament over the weekend.


Moore, Thomas OM R 2.00 41 Off 1025 36 58 116.00 1 1284

R 1.50 41 Off 1025 36 58 115.50 1267

Moore, Thomas OM R 3.00 41 Off 1025 36 58 117.00 1 1318

R 4.50 39.5 Off 1075 36 58 112.50 1168



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  • Baller
@Ed_Obermeier - Jason has only been skiing a few times per year since he moved to France. His restaurant and family were eating up all his time, but he told me earlier this summer that he will be in the position of getting back into skiing at some level in the near future.
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  • Baller

Jason definitely skied after the KD days. Seems he was ranked top in the world when he was on the F1. As a left I watched him whenever possible. Just super quiet and solid.


TMo had a PB of 3@41 at the Ridge a month ago and I saw he backed it up at Cory's this weekend.


Good to see LFF guys ski well!

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  • Baller
Carl Roberge is in Benefits Industry. Talked with him about our CA location. I think his LinkedIn showed he moved backs to FL. Got an email from him promoting a ski lake in FL last year or so. Nice guy to talk with.
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  • Baller_
Carl is back in FL and actually took up surfing to some degree. Still rides old school KDs. He's been out to my buddies place a couple times but havnt cought up to him yet. No more jumpmn for him though.
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