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Stem Cell Arts

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Knees again, still looking at my options, getting by with nsiads and pain killers at the moment, has anybody in the waterskiing world, taken a leap of faith with stem cell therapy, I would be very interested in personal experiences, rather than read the hype and claims of Stem Cell Arts, both daughter,s are very well qualified as far as science and research, is concerned and they remain sceptical about the outcome of stem cell therapy, at this moment in time.

I am sure if anybody has personal experiences with this, other ballers, maybe interested, I do believe they are making advances with this sort of treatment, but are they there yet ?



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  • Baller

Stevie Boy,


Christmas Day last year, my family and I headed to Denver for my Stem Cell treatments. My goal was to play catch with my kids, but deep down I was determined not give up skiing. I have skied on a course since 97. Shoulders have always been an issue since heavy weight training days. March 2012, I had SLAP repair, Burkardt repair, Rotator cuff repair, and decompression on left shoulder. After 1 month had 75% frozen shoulder. Changed Ortho's and PT's and was able to ski 12 months later. My other shoulder started bothering me. I have known the new ortho since under-grad. He was the top surgical graduate and is highly regarded in our metro. He advised me to avoid surgery on my second shoulder. I chose stem cell injections in both shoulders last December. This is my first year ever to ski into fall.


The stem cell injections are the reason I have had such an enjoyable season. But, once I decide to do something, I’m all in. I sought out the top guns in Stem Cell therapy, followed all pre-op and post-op instruction including the unique PT that was prescribed afterwards and the top 10 list for healthy stem cells most of which I followed anyway. I also approached my treatments with the thought that while they are drilling and sucking fluid out of me, I wanted them to pull as much as they could then treat as many joints as they could. I have never had much long term success with steroid injections and some of the latest research reflects some possibilities why this could be. I would and will do it again. I chose Regenexx due to their advanced harvesting techniques as well as ultrasound image assisted injection techniques. The intra-capsular joint spaces have clearences similar to those of our fin adjustments. How they are hit blindly without imaging was intriguing considering the other variables involved.


My only problem now is my Golfer’s Elbow caused by over-skiing. I ski 3 to 4 days/wk and can go 5 days straight until need additional recovery time. Single sets are usually 8 to 10 passes at 34 as short as 32 off (usually 28). Guess that's a good problem considering the state I was in not 2 years prior.


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