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@razorskier1's 10,000 buoys


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  • Baller

OK @horton and @razorskier1. Here's my guess on the distribution of @razorskier1's passes to come out around 10,000 buoys. I know he's logged 'em so will see how it shakes out. Given I'm out of commission, I haven't been skiing with him and all I know for sure is he has somewhere over 60 successful 38's and lots of 2 @ 39's. How'd I do, bro?


60 39's

165 38's

400 35's

700 32's

300 28's

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  • Baller
10170 passes. 28 off 247. 32 off 798. 35 off 398. 38 off 62 times including straight thru today with 63 degree air and 58 degree water in my Drysuit. Buoy count doesn't include any partial passes, so none of my partial 38s or partial 39s are in there. Complete pass count currently almost 1700. Pretty close bro!
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  • Baller

Wow that is a lot of skiing !! Have you put a cost to that... ?

If I'm correct would that be about 1695 sets of 6 passes per set, over here we charge ourselves £4.5/set of gas(lpg) so £7627 or petrol double it just on fuel. Without any boat/lakes costs/membership and all the rest.

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  • Baller
I just can't conceive of that much skiing in a season. @Razorskier1‌ how do you have time to hold down a job and sleep? I know you ski an obscene number of passes per set, but just how many days of skiing does this encompass? I think I ski a fair amount, but only got in 83 days this year. For my season that averages out to about every other day. What about some of you other guys? Throw out length of season, and just comment on how many days per month during your season, or average per month.
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  • Baller

@Horton. Early and late season I run s lot of 32s. I still like 28 as an opener, especially my first set in the morning when my body isn't loose. Mid season 35 is my primary work pass. If the weather cooperates for another couple weeks I'll see if I can tack on a bunch of 35s for you. I ran seven of them yesterday.


@andyb. We go through about 35 gallons a week in summer at home site. I also ski a private site on weekends where I usually ski 40 passes. I try not to think about the cost. Having too much fun. It does seem I have more money in the offseason!

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  • Baller


OK, off topic a bit, but Hall of Famer Lynn Novakofski claims to have 100,000 jumps to

his credit. When you think of Cypress Gardens, 4 shows/day, maybe 2 jump acts each time,

and some 20 years of time with the shows running nearly every day of the year, that appears

to add up. Amazing the guy is still walking.

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  • Baller

wow@razorskier1, that seems like a crazy amount. good for you. i probably skied around 40 or 50 sets. i broke my ankle this year. i fractured my hip in 2013 (trying to be al carroll super handy man.) so probably 40 or 50 then too. when healthy, i run 38 about 1/2 the time in practice and once maybe. twice a year in tourneys. big maybe on twice i'm impressed by your energy and bookkeeping. how many pairs of gloves do you go thru. i have to use duct tape for my ankle. i would have to buy it in bulk. right now i just borrow it from my 2 sons kids school projects desk. my 2 year old wraps her ankle too to be like her portly dad.. how long have you been at this pace. has it helped your scores. It would be an interesting study to see if there's a perfect formula for maximum score.


How much does @‌Horton ski or @wish or badal or seth or @mathewbrown or @shanehill..


i kinda veered off track there at the end. that is an amazing amount of skiing. you are an ironman

chris s

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I can Hardly get my mind around these figures!


10 000.....!!!! :o


I think in my 7 years skiing i've rounded... at MOST, 2000 buoys.


This season was a "big" season... 450 Buoys approx, and I felt I was doing only that, skiing every week end and some week days!


Vey very impressing! Just out of curiosity how much gear does that wear out? Gloves? Ropes? handles? Skis? Bindings? Boats? ;)

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  • Baller
When Mitch is home the boat runs for about 90 minutes each morning from 6:30-8:00AM. I've got about 107 hours on the boat right now. Gloves -- interesting thing. I wear dry gloves for every set, so I rotate quite a few pairs of gloves. I think I've thrown out 3 pair that had holes in them. Handles -- usually last me for a year plus. Ropes - replace every year.
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  • Baller

We lost some time up here, too, due to high water and no wake restrictions this season...and then there's that thing called winter where the lakes freeze.

Imagine being his whipping boy little brother trying to keep up with him in the gym when in my teens? He doesn't wear out there, either...ain't wired like the rest of us.

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  • Baller
In the early 70's I may have had a few years close to 10K. I know my partner and I burned 1500 gallons of gas in 73 I think. Usually ran from sun-up to 0730 or so then school or work then back to the lake at 1730 until after dark. Weekends were at tournaments. Now I am lucky if my body lets me ski 3 times a week! Razorskier you sir are AWESOME!!!
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  • Baller

@bigtex2011 -- quantity vs. quality. Hmmm. Different for everybody I think. For me: 1) my body feels best when it gets regular use. If I go a few days without skiing during the season, I start to ache. 2) I just plain like to be on the water, and so part of this is that if I can, I will. I can have a great time going out and skiing 15 passes at 32 off, 10 or 12 at 35 off, or running straight down the line as far as I can go. 3) I have kept a pace similar to this for years, and while it doesn't happen as fast as I'd like, I do improve every single year - both in consistency and in average scores.


Honestly, I'm sure I've done way more passes in other years for two reasons. First, I didn't even see a course until May 4th this year, so I lost almost a month of water time due to a late ice out. Second, believe it or not I didn't ski as many passes per set as I used to. Last year every set was 10-14 passes. If I look at the number of passes per set this year mathematically it was about 8.5. I think that this made me focus more on quality than pure endurance, and my skiing improved. I ran -38 about 3x as many times as in any prior season. Now, there are lots of reasons beyond pass count. I think with some coaching I figured some things out, it was the first full season on the Mapple 6.0, and it was the first time ever that all my sets were ZO sets.


Point is I think how much is too much varies by individual. For me whether it is gym training or skiing, my body thrives on being used (and it helps my mental state too!). I plan to keep my pass count per set below 10 next season again in my first real season on the Mapple T2. Hopefully results will continue to improve.

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  • Baller
@Razorskier1 - I love the numbers and then interpreting them. How many attempts did you have at 38 this year vs last ? Percentage of completed attempts At 38 this year vs last ? From a coaching perspective, what did you figure out ? Has your practice and tournament PB changed ?
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  • Baller
@2tracmind‌ Percentage at -38 way up. 40 percent full season and over 60 percent in August and September. Key coaching aspects were staying tall, keeping my handle, and doing all my work before the first wake. Just as important was getting so high on the boat as to be slightly uncomfortable.
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