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First Time Judging


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First tournament of the season today and I help out judging from the boat. It was mostly successful, although I did upset two skiers by scoring them 5.5 instead of 6. Both of them fell through the gates coming to rest about a meter past the gates. My view is that they weren't in a skiing position or in control therefore I didn't give them the full buoy. They argued that they physically made it through. Also one of them thought that if I'd scored him 6 the boat could have picked him up to ski his next pass. I didn't think you could do this.


What's everyone views on this? They were only 18m @ 52kph passes so it's not like we're pro's!

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  • Baller
Obviously the skier who thought you should have let him continue doesn't know the rules. The call, if the skier is in skiing position when he passed through the exit gates and then falls, is 6 with no continuation. The way you describe the situation "coming to rest about a meter past he gates" indicates that there is no way they had the handle as they passed through the gates. What did the other two judges say? Apparently they called 5.5 also. Encourage the skiers to familiarize themselves with the rule book, in a nice way of course.
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  • Baller_

I thought that if you made it back to the wake at the end gates, even if not in skiing position or with the handle, that you got the full buoy. I think you can even throw the handle (to avoid taking a huge hit that will recoil into the boat) and coast to the centerline before the gates to get the full buoy.


I think this is the rule (10.12.C.2.b) that applies:


"The end gate case is different because of the spacing and thus if the skier can cross the gate line before the end gate buoy he will be awarded the full buoy.


a. This specifically means that the skier is permitted to have slack going through the exit gates. If the skier skis away then he may continue.


b. If the skier does not ski away, the turn ends and the skier scores 6 provided they crossed the line of the boat buoys before the end gate with or without a slack line."



The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

My "skiing position" has been horrible a few times when absorbing slack out the end gates and subsequently kissing the front of my ski only to ride it out.

In reading the above, more info on the skiers in question would be helpful but sounds like 6 no continuance.

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  • Baller

@Moggie without knowing more of the circumstances there's not a lot to say about the 6 ball/gate calls but one observation. Your call should be you call whether it's a local club tournament or the Worlds. That 52k 18m skier deserves just as much consideration as the world record holder. Don't let a pedigree cloud your judgement.


If you know the rules and apply them equally the completion remains fair. That's a critical piece of maintaining integrity as an official and assuring the credibility of the scores.

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To get the full 6 buoy score there are only two things required: 1) Is the skier in "skiing position" and 2) did he/she cross the gate line before the gate ball passes. If a skier fell through the gates from the slack hit there would be very little doubt that the score should have been 6 no continuation, but it's impossible to know for certain without seeing it. It's just important to remember that a tight line and under the power of the boat is not necessary for calling a full buoy at the 6 ball only, you can ski back to the wake and toss the handle without even trying to take the hit and get the full buoy.
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  • Baller
Sounds like 6 to me. 6 ball has a different rule then the others. All you need to do is show the handle. The front foot needs to break the left side boat buoy line and it's 6 no continuation. This rule has been in effect for some time now and it amazes me how many miss call this.
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