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Interesting Times In High End Ski Development


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  • Baller

Yes its always interesting but right now its probably harder to make a ski choice than ever! Here are some observations to consider


The new Mapple might just be something truly ground breaking from all accounts - Think I want to try one of these


Joel Howley has broken a couple of records recently and will almost certainly be clocking up scores into -43 (soon) on the new GT - Think I want to try one of these as well.


Goode is always worthy consideration - You can expect they will continue to innovate and force people to look at their product.


Nate continues to dominate on the Quest - World record ski say no more..


HO V Type - ?


Raptor - ?


And then we have the Euro ski's to consider ... Fun times ahead but not so good for the wallet.


Spoiled for choices we are.







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  • Baller
@Jordan - Correct, looking over the fence at that green grass. I picked up a late 90's KD today that was laying about and almost tore a biceps muscle, those things we almost state of the art back in the day. You forget how heavy the hardware used to be.
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  • Baller

Some great products out there, the marketing machine always in full swing, good skis come and they go, there are steps forward and steps backwards, I now try to ignore the hype and marketing, demo a ski on your own lake, with your own driver, make your own mind up, there have been ski,s that have been and gone that people still yearn for, but if they do not make it anymore, your are almost forced onto the new product or different manufacturer, when requiring a new ski, I look at the scores and more people are getting through 41 off or 10.75m especially at 34mph, but these guy,s are skiing much more than most of us and all started at a fairly young age, maybe ski development has helped, but the world record has not been moved on that much, it's now down to the individual or limitations of rope length.

I think more people are now, educated enough to know it,s not what the ski looks like, it,s how it feels when you ride it, you are either going to love it or hate it.

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