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For the Hobbled


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  • Baller

I had some pretty substantial work done to put my right ankle back in working order after a delayed release from my rear binding this summer. Due to tendon repairs, I am non-weight bearing for six weeks, but thanks to BOS (at least for the crutch @JayG80‌ and @AggieSkier)‌, I found both a hands free crutch and a temporary left foot accelerator for my car. Initial results on both the crutch and pedal are very good. Post-op in a splint was too early for the hands-free crutch, but now that I am in a cast, the crutch is good. Driving is a piece of cake, and I confirmed that it is legal in my state. Thanks to those that posted these finds. I love my wife, but carpooling is not in the best interest of our long-term marital bliss.






Now for spring and healthy skiing on my new OB4 bindings. No, OB4s were not the cause of the injury. I was on Reflex with an R-style when it happened.

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